Useful tips

Reasons why it is important to have essay writing skills

An essay is a small written work in which the author expresses his opinion on a problem. Nowadays there are a large number of variations of this work, the essay is increasingly used as a test of knowledge or creative work in educational institutions. So why is it so important to learn how to write an essay?

What is the use of an essay?

  • Students systematically create logical texts, developing logical thinking skills and expressing thoughts on paper;
  • Students learning cognitive discipline, learning analytical reading and organizing Students’ thoughts of assumptions, spelling them in written form;
  • It contributes to the understanding of the language of a certain scientific field, improves grammatical, orthographic and stylistic skills, develops analytical skills, forms the skills of conducting the professional conversation, respect for the opinion of the interlocutor;
  • Students forms and improves interdisciplinary knowledge, skills and abilities, analysis and communication skills;
  • It activates the emotional and mental maturation of the student helps to connect objective knowledge with reality.

The role of an essay in our lives

  1. Firstly, it is important to be able to articulate your thought clearly. This is not an easy process, and it needs to learn beforehand. Even writers and journalists are trained in writing texts, and not everybody gets it interesting and fascinating. When writing an essay, it is important to be able to find the right words, to express your thoughts clearly and easily. You should also be good at using synonyms so that the words in the text do not repeat, and the text itself does not look primitive.
  2. Secondly, the essay helps consolidate the passed material. After all, to argue your opinion, it is necessary to read a sufficient amount of literature, to possess a wide range of background knowledge. In addition, reading books can significantly improve student literacy. Visual memory will help to remember the rules of punctuation and spelling, which means that the more a student reads, the more intelligently he writes.
  3. Finally, in the process of creating an essay, the student displays such abilities as the ability to analyze what has been read, highlighting the basic idea in it. This is an important condition, as a correct understanding of the text makes it possible to build an opinion, to show one’s attitude to what is read. The student thinks about the characters and the actions of the characters, while he is formed as a person.

Learning the rules but thinking is one of the tasks of the essay. Thus, the student develops his own citizenship and moral maturity. Writing an essay is an art that helps develop a fruitful imagination, teaches you to feel and think deeply.

What is the practical use of an essay?

Besides the fact that writing an essay contributes to the full development of the personality, it also has a certain practical value. The important role of an essay is to enrol in a university or award scholarships on a competitive basis, especially in the United States and Europe. In this case, the author writes about his motivation, personal qualities and gives arguments on why he is worthy of victory. Very often companies are asked to send a cover letter for employment. This addition to your resume, in which you write in free form, what attracts you to this job, and why you should get a job. In essence, this letter is a motivational essay. By this essay, the company can judge not only your professional qualities but also personal ones. Thus, having mastered the skill of writing an essay, you will ensure that you successfully pass the competitive selection for admission to a university or college, it will also help you in finding a job. But if are not sure at your skills, turn to paper writing service .

It should be noted separately that an essay is an indispensable component of international exams, for example, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS. The essay tests your ability to notice logical errors and critical thinking, language skills, literacy.