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Is salicylate a phenol?

Is salicylate a phenol?

It is a benzoate ester, a member of phenols and a member of salicylates. It derives from a salicylic acid. Phenyl salicylate is a 2-hydroxybenzoic acid phenyl ester. It is utilized in some manufacturing processes of polymers, lacquers, adhesives, waxes, as well as polishes.

Is aspirin and salicylates the same?

Salicylates are a group of drugs, including aspirin, available as both prescription and non-prescription (over-the-counter) medications. They are often used to relieve pain and inflammation, to reduce fever, and to prevent excessive blood clotting.

Is salicylate and salicylic acid the same?

A salicylate is a salt or ester of salicylic acid. Salicylates are found naturally in some plants (such as white willow bark and wintergreen leaves) and are thought to protect the plant against insect damage and disease. Aspirin is a derivative of salicylic acid – and is also known as acetylsalicylic acid.

What is aspirin and sodium salicylate?

Sodium salicylate, the active component of aspirin, is widely used for its antiinflammatory, antipyretic, and analgesic effects and also for its inhibitory effect on platelet aggregation.

How are salicylates and phenols used in plants?

The term phenol refers to a large group of chemical compounds found in plants. Salicylates are a specific type of phenol. These beneficial compounds act as a preservative, protecting plants from bacterial/fungal infections, insects, and UV radiation damage.

Which is a good example of a salicylate drug?

A popular salicylate drug is aspirin, which has a long history. Aspirin intolerance (more than 10,000 tons of aspirin are consumed in the U.S. each year) was widely known by 1975 when the understanding began to emerge that it is a pharmacological reaction, not an allergy.

What are symptoms of salicylate ( aspirin ) intolerance?

Salicylate (aspirin) intolerance symptoms: itchy, sore, puffy or burning eyes; hyperacusis, tinnitus, or hearing loss;

What foods are high in salicylates ( aspirin )?

Additionally, medicines which can contain aspirin include: 1 some antacids; 2 flu and cold remedies; 3 drugs used for pain for periods, headache, sinus; 4 many alternative and complementary medicines, particularly those used for pain and joint problems; 5 medicines used for inflammatory bowel disease; 6 teething gels.