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How many IO ports are there in 8085?

How many IO ports are there in 8085?

256 input
The 8085 supports up to 256 input/output (I/O) ports, accessed via dedicated Input/Output instructions—taking port addresses as operands.

What is IO microprocessor?

The input-output (I/O) devices or peripherals provide the necessary data communications link between the microprocessor and its environment. Typically, information is accepted from the input devices, it is processed and the results of the data processing are then sent to one or more output devices.

What is are are the IO interfacing techniques in 8085?

The 8085 outputs a logic ‘1’ on the IO/M line for an I/O operation and a logic ‘0’ for memory, operation. In 8085, it is possible to connect 64 Kbyte memory and 256 I/O ports in the system since 8085 sends 16 bit address for memory and 8 bit address for I/O.

What is the IO addressing capacity of 8085?

Intel 8085 uses a 16-bit wide address bus or addressing memory and I/O devices. It can access 2 16=64k bytes of memory and I/O devices.

How are memory and I / O devices interfacing with 8085?

INTERFACING MEMORY AND I/O DEVICES WITH 8085 The programs and data that are executed by the microprocessor have to be stored in ROM/EPROM and RAM, which are basically semiconductor memory chips. The programs and data that are stored in ROM/EPROM are not erased even when power supply to the chip is removed.

Which is the output device of 8085 microprocessor?

We interface the I/O device in a very segmented manner and is carried systematically. In the interfacing of seven segment display to 8085 microcontroller it is found that An output device which is very common is, especially in the kit of 8085 microprocessor and it is the Light Emitting Diode consisting of seven segments.

How is I / O interfacing used in a microprocessor?

This type of interfacing is known as I/O interfacing. Following is the list of 8085 pins used for interfacing with other devices − Ways of Communication − Microprocessor with the Outside World? There are two ways of communication in which the microprocessor can connect with the outside world.

What is interfacing of seven segment display to 8085 microcontroller?

In the interfacing of seven segment display to 8085 microcontroller it is found that An output device which is very common is, especially in the kit of 8085 microprocessor and it is the Light Emitting Diode consisting of seven segments.