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Has anyone got a perfect score on Putnam?

Has anyone got a perfect score on Putnam?

The 2019 Putnam Fellows, listed in alphabetical order, are seniors Ashwin Sah and Kevin Sun, junior Yuan Yao, sophomore Shengtong Zhang, and first-year Daniel Zhu. This is only the fifth time in Putnam’s history that a test-taker received a perfect score. Competitors were also ranked by participating institution.

What is the average score on the Putnam exam?

Summary of statistics: 4296 students took the exam, with an average score of 11.2 and a median score of 2, the highest these statistics have been for the past 10 years. The cutoffs were: Fellow: 101-120, N1: 92-99, N2: 85-91, H: 61-83, I: 60, II: 48.5-59, Top 500: 31-48.

What did Richard Feynman score on the Putnam?

Richard Feynman had an IQ of 125. Likely mismeasured. He won the Putnam mathematics competition with a stunning margin without preparation. He reportedly had the highest scores ever on the math/physics graduate admission exams at Princeton.

Is Putnam prestigious?

This is the 74th William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition, the country’s most prestigious collegiate math contest. The top five competitors, named as Putnam Fellows, tend to become titans of academia. Couture slants heavily toward T-shirts from math contests or tech companies.

Where do I get my Putnam Competition results?

Competition results up to 2016 were transcribed by hand from the printed summary of results, which was sent by mail. As of the 2017 competition, both the original summary of results, taken from the MAA historical Putnam results page, and old-style HTML transcriptions are provided.

When does the William Lowell Putnam Competition take place?

What is the Putnam Competition? The William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition is the preeminent mathematics competition for undergraduate college students in the United States and Canada. The Putnam Competition takes place annually on the first Saturday of December.

When is the 81st Putnam math competition being held?

Due to the coronavirus crisis, the 81st Putnam Competition, originally scheduled for Fall 2020, has been postponed until Feb. 20, 2021. The competition will proceed in an unofficial mode, with no proctors, no prizes, no awards, and no national recognition of high-scoring individuals or teams.

Who are the winners of the Putnam Prize?

The Elizabeth Lowell Putnam Prize was established in 1992 to be “awarded periodically to a woman whose performance on the Competition has been deemed particularly meritorious.” Recent winners of the Elizabeth Lowell Putnam Prize have received $1,000.