Useful tips

For what purpose PubMed is used?

For what purpose PubMed is used?

PubMed is a free resource supporting the search and retrieval of biomedical and life sciences literature with the aim of improving health–both globally and personally. The PubMed database contains more than 32 million citations and abstracts of biomedical literature.

Who uses PubMed?

The NLM reported that almost two-thirds of PubMed users are health care professionals and scientists (ie, domain experts), whereas the remainder are the general public [18].

How many people use PubMed?

On an average working day approximately 2.5 million users from around the world access PubMed to perform about 3 million searches and 9 million page views.

What data are contained in PubMed?

PubMed records contain citation information (e.g., title, authors, journal, publication date) and abstracts of published articles and books.

How many PubMed citations are there in the world?

PubMed Citations Cumulative Total 31,563,992 30,178,674 28,934,389 27,605,241 26,456,014 25,290,733 PubMed Searches 3.3 Billion 3.1 Billion 3.3 Billion 3.3 Billion 3.1 Billion 2.8 Billion Web/Interactive 1,076 Million 896 Million 831 Million 846 Million 853 Million

Are there annual statistical reports on MEDLINE / PubMed 1?

Our Annual statistical reports based upon the data elements in the baseline 1 versions of MEDLINE®/PubMed® are available.

How to find the trend in PubMed articles?

Welcome to Medline (PubMed) trend This page displays the number of entries (articles) in PubMed (Medline) published every year (having the ‘DP’, date of publication, field set to that year), that conform to search strategy (such as a phrase) you enter below: It may take about 30 seconds to retrieve and build a trend.

How to find how many papers have been indexed by PubMed?

To find out just how many papers have been indexed by PubMed every year, enter an empty query (simply press ‘Build Trend’); To find the history of a subject, enter a few keywords describing the subject.