Users' questions

Why was there a revolution in Germany in 1848?

Why was there a revolution in Germany in 1848?

The revolutions of 1848 –49. The hard times that swept over the Continent in the late 1840s transformed widespread popular discontent in the German Confederation into a full-blown revolution. After the middle of the decade, a severe economic depression halted industrial expansion and aggravated urban unemployment.

What was the government of Switzerland in 1848?

The conservative governments of central Switzerland were not contented, however, with the fact that the federal “Tagsatzung” supported its positions (toleration of the Jesuits, prohibition of armed marches).

Who was the leader of Germany in 1848?

In 1848, Austria was the predominant German state. It was considered the successor to the Holy Roman Empire, which had been dissolved by Napoleon in 1806, and was not resurrected by the Congress of Vienna in 1815. German Austrian chancellor Metternich had dominated Austrian politics from 1815 until 1848.

What was the turning point in Swiss history?

The year 1848 was a decisive turning point in Swiss history. Although internal conflict was not wholly eliminated thereafter, it was always settled within the framework of the 1848 federal constitution.

What was the cause of the German Revolution?

The hard times that swept over the Continent in the late 1840s transformed widespread popular discontent in the German Confederation into a full-blown revolution. After the middle of the decade, a severe economic depression halted industrial expansion and aggravated urban unemployment.

Where did the Industrial Revolution of 1848 take place?

With the exception of the Netherlands, there was a strong correlation among the countries that were most deeply affected by the industrial shock of 1847 and those that underwent a revolution in 1848. The situation in the German states was similar. Parts of Prussia were beginning to industrialize.

Who was the leader of Austria in 1848?

Their first major conservative victory came in Austria, where the young emperor Francis Joseph found an able successor to Metternich in his prime minister, Felix, Fürst (prince) zu Schwarzenberg. In the summer of 1848 the Habsburg armies crushed the uprising in Bohemia and checked the insurrection in Italy.