Users' questions

Where can I find support files for Zyxel?

Where can I find support files for Zyxel?

To acquire firmware, software, driver or other support files for Zyxel devices, enter the model number in the search box. Thanks for your interests. Please read the Release Note carefully before updating firmware or installing software.

What does Zyxel networks do for your business?

Working seamlessly with global service providers to unlock the full potential of the internet through high-performance, reliable, and scalable broadband access solutions. Zyxel Networks using AI and the cloud to deliver rapid, reliable, and secure networking solutions for business and home users.

Who is responsible for firmware updates for Zyxel?

Thanks for your interests. Please read the Release Note carefully before updating firmware or installing software. Also, please be aware Zyxel is not responsible for damages if firmware, software, or other files are not installed according to the Release Note instructions.

Who is responsible for damages if Zyxel is not installed?

Also, please be aware Zyxel is not responsible for damages if firmware, software, or other files are not installed according to the Release Note instructions. You can click to download the Release Note. ? We and our partners use cookies on our site for delivering personalised content, ads and analyzing website traffic.

Why are there cookies on my Zyxel website?

We and our partners use cookies on our site for delivering personalised content, ads and analyzing website traffic. This provides you with better browsing experience. By clicking ‘Agree’ or navigating this site, you agree to the use of cookies described in our cookie policy. Click ‘Deny’ to turn off third party cookies.

How can the firmware be upgraded / updated on the p660r?

To upgrade the software/firmware on the P660R please go to menu, Maintenance → Tools. Click the Firmware Upgrade tab and follow these steps to update the software: Click Browse to locate the firmware patch (BIN) file. Click Upload to begin the update process.