Users' questions

What zip code is Fairmount Philadelphia?

What zip code is Fairmount Philadelphia?

ZIP Code 19130

Post Office City: Philadelphia, PA (View All Cities)
Neighborhood: Fairmount District|Fairmount
County: Philadelphia County
Timezone: Eastern (11:36am)
Area code: 215 (Area Code Map)

What district is Fairmount Philadelphia?

School District of Philadelphia
Fairmount is zoned to schools in the School District of Philadelphia.

Is Fairmount Philadelphia Safe?

Safety. The neighborhood of Fairmount Park experiences 1 violent crime and 28 property crimes each year. However, Philadelphia’s property crime rate is 34.42 per 1,000 residents and the national average is only 27.3 per 1,000 residents.

What county is Fairmount PA in?

Philadelphia County

What is the area code for Fairmount, PA?

Area code(s) Area code 215. Fairmount is a neighborhood within the Greater Center City District of the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Its boundaries are north of Spring Garden Street, west of Broad Street, south of Girard Avenue and east of The Schuylkill River.

Where is the Fairmount area of Philadelphia located?

Fairmount, Philadelphia. Fairmount is a neighborhood within the Greater Center City District of the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Its boundaries are north of Spring Garden Street, west of Broad Street, south of Girard Avenue and east of The Schuylkill River. While this may be the most common demarcation,…

Where is Fairmount Mennonite high school in Philadelphia?

Philadelphia Mennonite High School is a private Mennonite high school with about 100 students at 860 North 24th Street in Fairmount. ^ “State of Center City Philadelphia 2015, Pages 4 & 7” (PDF).

Where do you go to school in Fairmount PA?

For High School, Fairmount residents are assigned to the Benjamin Franklin High School, but many residents attend Roman Catholic High School, J. W. Hallahan Catholic Girls High School. Philadelphia Mennonite High School is a private Mennonite high school with about 100 students at 860 North 24th Street in Fairmount.