Users' questions

What was the blossom plan passed in 1955 in Little Rock Arkansas?

What was the blossom plan passed in 1955 in Little Rock Arkansas?

August 29, 1957 In May 1955, the Little Rock school board had adopted the Phase Program Plan of gradual desegregation that became known as the Blossom Plan, after its author and superintendent of Little Rock public schools, Virgil T. Blossom. Only Little Rock Central High was to be integrated.

What happened at Little Rock High School in 1957?

The desegregation of Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, gained national attention on September 3, 1957, when Governor Orval Faubus mobilized the Arkansas National Guard in an effort to prevent nine African American students from integrating the high school.

How many of the Little Rock Nine are still alive 2021?

Only eight of the Little Rock Nine are still alive.

What did the Little Rock Nine accomplish?

The Little Rock Nine went on to accomplish great things in their professional careers, some of them serving in the areas of higher education, mental health, and the criminal justice system. Green served under President Jimmy Carter as his assistant secretary in the Department of Labor.

When did the Little Rock phase plan begin?

This plan was known as the Blossom Plan or the Little Rock Phase Program. The plan was designed for desegregation to begin in the fall of 1957 at Central and filter down to the lower grades over the next six years.

What was the Blossom Plan in Little Rock?

On May 24, 1955, the Little Rock School Board voted to adopt a plan for gradual integration. This plan was known as the Blossom Plan or the Little Rock Phase Program. The plan was designed for desegregation to begin in the fall of 1957 at Central and filter down to the lower grades over the next six years.

When was Little Rock Central High School integrated?

Only Little Rock Central High was to be integrated. Integration in Little Rock would be achieved in phases – high school students integrated first in 1957, followed by junior high school students, and finally elementary school students. No dates were specified for the latter two phases. August 30, 1957

When did desegregation start in the Little Rock Nine?

The plan was designed for desegregation to begin in the fall of 1957 at Central and filter down to the lower grades over the next six years. The plan was set up to permit students to transfer from any school where their race was in the minority, thus ensuring that the black schools would remain racially segregated.