Users' questions

What is the medical definition of asystole?

What is the medical definition of asystole?

Asystole, colloquially referred to as flatline, represents the cessation of electrical and mechanical activity of the heart. Asystole typically occurs as a deterioration of the initial non-perfusing ventricular rhythms: ventricular fibrillation (V-fib) or pulseless ventricular tachycardia (V-tach).

What happens during asystole?

Also referred to as cardiac flatline, asystole is the state of total cessation of electrical activity from the heart, which means no tissue contraction from the heart muscle and therefore no blood flow to the rest of the body.

Is P wave asystole the same as ventricular standstill?

A rarely seen arrhythmia is the p-wave asystole also mentioned ventricular asystole, ventricular standstill or third-degree atrioventricular block with no ventricular escape rhythm.

What is the difference between asystole and PEA?

Know the Difference Between PEA and Asystole Asystole is the flatline reading where all electrical activity within the heart ceases. PEA, on the other hand, may include randomized, fibrillation-like activity, but it does not rise to the level of actual fibrillation.

What’s the difference between asystole and pulseless electrical activity?

Pulseless electrical activity, or more commonly referred to as PEA, can seem like a pre-emptive factor to asystole. Given that all cases resulting in cardiac arrest that do not achieve ROSC will eventually result in asystole, PEA can appear like nothing more than a warning sign. However, arrhythmia is much more complex.

What kind of wave is a P wave?

P waves. P waves, or Primary waves, are the first waves to arrive at a seismograph. P waves are the fastest seismic waves and can move through solid, liquid or gas. They leave behind a trail of compressions and rarefactions on the medium they move through. P waves are also called Pressure waves for this reason.

What is the definition of a ventricular asystole?

Ventricular asystole is characterized by a complete absence of a ventricular rhythm. P waves may be present if AV block exists, but no QRS complexes are observed. Primary asystole occurs when the Purkinje fibers intrinsically fail to generate a ventricular depolarization.

What does asystole mean in cardiac arrest protocol?

Asystole is defined as a cardiac arrest rhythm in which there is no discernible electrical activity on the ECG monitor. Asystole is sometimes referred to as a “flat line.” Confirmation that a “flat line” is truly asystole is an important step in the ACLS protocol.