Users' questions

What is the meaning of bebinca?

What is the meaning of bebinca?

Bebinca, also known as bibik or bebinka, is a traditional layer cake of Goa, India derived from Indo-Portuguese cuisine. Traditionally, Bebinka has between 7 and 16 layers, but it can be modified per one’s convenience and taste.

What does Bebinca taste like?

And it is awful. The egg yolks, coconut milk, flour, sugar, ghee and nutmeg that go into it ensure it can’t taste entirely bad, but the rubbery texture of the commercial product, with its signature seven layers stodgily stuck together, actually makes its rich taste rather revolting. Heating helps only a little.

How is bebinca served?

Once all the layers are baked, transfer to a cooling rack, apply some ghee to the topmost layer, leave it to cool in the loaf pan for at least 4-6 hours. Flip it over a serving platter. Cut into slices and serve. Bebinca tastes best when it’s slightly warm.

Who invented Bebinca?

Fatima da Silva Gracia who authored Cozinha de Goa suggests that Bebinca might have been invented by Bibiona, a nun at the Convento da Santa Monica in Old Goa. Her first version was crafted with seven layers to represent the seven hills of Lisbon and Old Goa.

What kind of dessert is BEBINCA in Goa?

Bebinca is a classic traditional Goan Layered Dessert! Bebinca is also known as bibic or bebinka. Bebinca recipe is a delicacy made during all festive occasions in Goa.

What makes a Goan Bebinca a bibinka?

The richness from the egg yolks and coconut milk along with the ghee that glued the various layers together contributed to a soft smooth texture that literally melted-in-the-mouth. Tempting and irresistible, a dessert loved and enjoyed by all.

What is the name of the Goan dessert?

Bebinca, also known as bibik or bebinka, is a classic and popular Goan dessert. Here is a simple, step-by-step recipe to make Goan bebinca.

What is the meaning of the term Bebinca?

But as Silva Gracias notes, bebinca is also used for several unlayered desserts (like bebinca de claras, which uses egg whites left over from regular bebinca). Confusingly, the term is used elsewhere in Asia, from Malaysia to the Philippines, but usually meaning an unlayered dessert .