Users' questions

What is the life expectancy of a plum tree?

What is the life expectancy of a plum tree?

Plum | 10-25 years*

What is wrong with the leaves on my plum tree?

Plum trees are often attacked by aphids and the first signs are young leaves curling up, this is often referred to as Plum Leaf Curl. They are not normally discoloured just curled. If you uncurl the leaf the aphids will be seen inside – small green, white or light brown insects.

Will plum trees grow in Oklahoma?

There are many types of fruits that may be successfully grown in Oklahoma. These include the “pome” fruits (apples and pears), the “stone” fruits (peaches, nectarines, apricots, cherries and plums), as well as other fruits such as figs, persimmons and berries.

What kind of problem does a plum tree have?

Black knot is a plum tree problem that begins as a velvet green knot in spring then turns black and swollen. Black rot may girdle limbs and in severe cases form on the tree’s trunk.

What kind of tree grows sand plums in Oklahoma?

Sand plums, also known as Chickasaw plum, Cherokee plum, or Sandhill plum (Prunus angustifolia Marshall), are native fruit-producing shrubs or small trees in Oklahoma (Figure 1). Use of sand plums range from cover for native bird species to making jams, jellies, and wine from the fruit.

When is the best time to pick plums in Oklahoma?

I make jelly and wine with these wild plums. A good time to ID this tree is in the spring as when they are flowering you can’t miss them. If you wait until the fruit is ripe they can eaisly be missed as the fruit is so small. Many of Oklahoma Native Americans used this fruit.

Why are there black knots on my plum tree?

Plum tree diseases like plum pox virus and plum rust are caused by pests like aphids. Black knot, which is caused by the Dibotryon morbosum fungus, causes long, hard, black knots to appear on the plum tree branches and sometimes on the main trunk.