Users' questions

What is the form of Nhemamusasa?

What is the form of Nhemamusasa?

The African song “Nhemamusasa” also known as “cutting branches for shelter” that is part of Shona Mbira Music is the song that I chose to blog about the song. African songs tend to use African instruments in them. This particular song uses an instrument that is known as a thumb piano.

What are the Kushaura and Kutsinhira?

The different paths the two mbiras take—referred to as kushaura (“to lead” or “to start”) and kutsinhira (“to intertwine with”)—are in an interlocking relationship with one another, one player sounding in the silence of the other, thus forming figures of intricacy and variety exceeding the movements of the fingers …

What is classification of mbira?


What kind of music does Shona mbira play?

In Zimbabwe, a Shona mbira piece consists of a basic cyclical pattern which includes numerous intertwined melodies, often with contrasting and syncopated rhythms. There are extensive possibilities for rhythmic and melodic variation within the traditional improvisational style.

What kind of instrument does Nhemamusasa use?

The African song “Nhemamusasa” also known as “cutting branches for shelter” that is part of Shona Mbira Music is the song that I chose to blog about the song. African songs tend to use African instruments in them. This particular song uses an instrument that is known as a thumb piano.

What kind of instrument does the mbira use?

This particular song uses an instrument that is known as a thumb piano. Mbira traditions show in a way how African music can transform separate individuals that are in a group into a community.

Which is the most important part of Shona?

Mahonyera refers to the vocables, kudeketer is poetry, and huro would of course be yodeling. Ocording to the text book they only discuss the kushaura part of the piece that I have been writing about. Nhemamusasa is one of the oldest most important parts of Shona.