Users' questions

What is the best decibel meter app for Android?

What is the best decibel meter app for Android?

5 Best Noise Level Apps for Android

  • Sound Meter PRO.
  • Decibel X.
  • Sound Meter.
  • Sound Meter & Noise Detector.
  • Sound meter: decibel meter – db spl meter.

Is there a decibel meter app for Android?

With a free app and your Android phone, you can turn your phone into a noise meter and find out. Download Sound Meter from the Android Market and launch the app. It starts right up to the sound meter and measures the minimum, mean, and maximum ambient sound levels in decibels (dB).

Are Android decibel meter apps accurate?

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) evaluated the apps at its acoustic testing lab. The tests also compared results for i-Phones and Android phones. OSHA requires noise measurement instruments to have an accuracy of +/- 2 decibels (dB). Out of these three, SoundMeter had the best results.

Is there an accurate decibel meter app?

Decibel X (Android and iOS-Free) This handy and free smartphone application can quickly turn your iOS or Android device into an accurate, pre-calibrated portable sound level meter that supports both dBA and dBC.

What is the best sound level meter?

Extech Instruments 407730.

  • Foneso GM1356.
  • BAFX Products BAFX3370.
  • Dr.Meter MS10.
  • T Tocas SL1361.
  • What is the best way to measure sound?

    There are many different ways to measure sound, the most common of which is using a sound pressure level meter/analyser. The sound pressure level may be measured as a single overall value or broken down into different components such as octave frequency bands.

    What does DB measure?

    The decibel (abbreviated dB) is the unit used to measure the intensity of a sound. The decibel scale is a little odd because the human ear is incredibly sensitive.

    What is dB meter?

    Decibel Meter or “dB Meter”. The Decibel Meter, also called a “sound level meter” or “dB Meter”, is designed to accurately measure the noise that you can hear, putting a real value to something that is so affected by human perception.