Users' questions

What is depositor preference?

What is depositor preference?

Depositor preference reduces recovery prospects for senior unsecured creditors in the event of a bank’s resolution or liquidation and may, therefore, lead to marginally higher issuance costs for senior unsecured debt, including senior preferred instruments.

Can banks do a bail-in?

A bank can undergo a bail-in quickly through a resolution proceeding, which provides immediate relief to the bank. The obvious risk to bank depositors is the possibility of losing a portion of their deposits.

Has a bank bail-in ever happened?

Since the end of 2014, new G20 Bank Bail-In Laws have gotten put into place. Bank depositors are now legally treated as unsecured creditors in the largest economies in the world.

What is a depositor in a bank?

A person who is making a deposit with the bank is known as a depositor. The depositor is the lender of the money which will be returned to him/her at the end of the deposit period.

How does a bank bail-in help depositors?

A bank can undergo a bail-in quickly through a resolution proceeding, which provides immediate relief to the bank. The obvious risk to bank depositors is the possibility of losing a portion of their deposits. However, depositors have the protection of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), insuring each bank account for up to $250,000.

Why was the Cypress bank bail-in called that?

The confiscation of depositor funds (hence the name Bail-In) in Cypress was not only approved but mandated by the European Union, along with the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

Is the FDIC going to bail out the banks?

It’s not. First of all, the FDIC can only protect your deposits if it has the money itself. With trillions of dollars in deposits and only $33 billion in the FDIC fund (as of 12/31/12), and the Dodd-Frank mandate of no more taxpayer bail-outs, there’s nowhere to get the money except from the depositors.

How are bank bail-ins being used in Europe?

Europe Experiments With Bail-Ins. Bank bail-ins have been used in Cyprus, which has been experiencing high debt and possible bank failures. The bail-in policy was instituted, forcing depositors with more than 100,000 euros to write off a portion of their holdings.