Users' questions

What does the swinging flashlight test test for?

What does the swinging flashlight test test for?

The ‘swinging light test’ is used to detect a relative afferent pupil defect (RAPD): a means of detecting differences between the two eyes in how they respond to a light shone in one eye at a time.

How do you check your pupils with a flashlight?

The swinging flashlight test can rule out intracranial damage to the optic nerve and the brain. To perform this test, shine a penlight into one eye to attain maximum pupil constriction, then quickly switch the light source to the other eye and back again.

What does the pupillary reflex test for?

Pupillary light reflex is used to assess the brain stem function. Abnormal pupillary light reflex can be found in optic nerve injury, oculomotor nerve damage, brain stem lesions, such as tumors, and medications like barbiturates.

What is the light that doctors use to look in eyes?

To do this, many doctors use a “slit lamp.” It’s a special microscope and light that lets your doctor see your eyes in 3-D, both inside and out. They’ll use it along with an ophthalmoscope to look at the back of your eye. A slit-lamp exam is usually done during a regular checkup with your eye doctor.

Can a swinging flashlight be used to see the pupil?

One could direct a weak light source in a dark room from temporal to the eye with the more mobile pupil and then perform the swinging-flashlight test. This procedure allows the pupil to be seen without shining too much light into the eye.

What do you look for in an eye exam?

Check the reactivity of each pupil with a penlight or Finoff transilluminator. Use the swinging flashlight test to look for a relative afferent pupillary defect. 3. Extraocular motility and alignment Have the patient look in the six cardinal positions of gaze. Test with both eyes open to assess versions — repeat monocularly to test ductions.

Can a swinging flashlight test rule out intracranial damage?

The swinging flashlight test can rule out intracranial damage to the optic nerve and the brain. To perform this test, shine a penlight into one eye to attain maximum pupil constriction, then quickly switch the light source to the other eye and back again.

How is a computerized refractor used for eye exams?

Your doctor may use a computerized refractor to estimate your prescription for glasses or contact lenses. Or he or she may use a technique called retinoscopy. In this procedure, the doctor shines a light into your eye and measures the refractive error by evaluating the movement of the light reflected by your retina back through your pupil.