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What does Monozukuri mean in English?

What does Monozukuri mean in English?

The literal meaning of Monozukuri is ‘production’. ‘Mono’ is the thing which is made and ‘Zukuri’ means the act of making but Monozukuri implies more than simply making things. It can be best compared to the word ‘craftsmanship’ in English.

What do Monozukuri and Hitozukuri refer to?

The literal meaning of Monozukuri is ‘production’. ‘Mono’ is the thing which is made and ‘Zukuri’ means the act of making but Monozukuri implies more than simply making things. At Toyota they say 物づくりは人づくり or “making things is making people” (monozukuri wa hitozukuri) or “develop people and then build products”.

What is Monozukuri board?

Monozukuri, or alternatively spelled Monodzukuri, literally means ‘production’ or ‘making of things’ in Japanese and is the Japanese term for ‘manufacturing’. The broader meaning encompasses a synthesis of technological prowess, know-how and spirit of Japan’s manufacturing practices.

What is Monozukuri philosophy?

it’s philosophy is that the product is made not by machines but by humans, And it is important to create an environment where people can continually come up with new ideas as well as continually improve the production process. …

What is the meaning of the Toyota Monozukuri?

It is a word that captures the true spirit of Toyota in relation to the concept of sustainability. The literal meaning of Monozukuri is ‘production’. ‘Mono’ is the thing which is made and ‘Zukuri’ means the act of making but Monozukuri implies more than simply making things. It can be best compared to the word ‘craftsmanship’ in English.

What is the spin off of monozukuri at Nissan?

A spin-off of monozukuri is hitozukuri (人作り, making people) for developing people. This includes the lifelong education, training, and coaching of people, not only in the classroom but especially at work. At Nissan they are also kotozukuri (事作り, making stories) for “brand storytelling,” with the goal of entering into dialogue with the customer.

When did monozukuri start being made in Japan?

Suzuki, for example, probably used it from at least 1970 onward to describe its production. The word got another boost in 1999, when the Japanese government created a law for the Promotion of Monozukuri: Basic Technology Promotion (ものづくり基盤技術振興基本法).

Which is the best way to achieve monozukuri?

Denso, one of Toyota’s major suppliers, has a saying, “Monozukuri is hitozukuri.” In other words,monozukuri (product excellence) cannot be achieved without hitozukuri (people excellence). To achieve hitozukuri, masters from inside and outside the organization provide the lifelong training and mentoring of employees.