Users' questions

What does Kusuri meaning?

What does Kusuri meaning?

薬 【くすり】 (n) (1) medicine; pharmaceuticals; (legal) drugs; (2) efficacious chemical (i.e. gunpowder, pesticide, etc. ); (3) (pottery) glaze; 2.

What is the kanji for Kokoro?

Kanji Card – 心 – kokoro

Kanji Furigana Meaning
こころ heart
安心 あんしん to feel easy
心臓 しんぞう heart (medical)

What is the kanji for Mura?

Kanji Card – 村 – mura

Kanji Furigana Romaji
むら mura
村名 そんめい sonmei

What is the kanji symbol for person?

The first Kanji we will learn is 「人」, the character for ‘person.’ It is a simple two-stroke character where each stroke starts at the top.

How many characters are in a Kyoiku kanji?

Kyōiku kanji is a subset (1,026) of the 2,136 characters of Jōyō kanji . A list of all jōyō kanji according to Halpern’s KKLD indexing system, with kyōiku kanji coloured according to grade level. The following 20 characters, all used in prefectures names, were added in 2020.

How many kokuji are there in Jinmeiyo kanji?

There are also 8 kokuji within the secondary-school kanji and 16 within the jinmeiyō kanji. The character 働 and some others are also used in Chinese now, but most kokuji are unknown outside Japan. Kokkun are characters and combinations of characters that have different meanings in Japanese and Chinese.

What are the different types of kanji in Japanese?

List of kanji by concept Kana Hiragana Katakana Hentaigana Man’yōgana Sōgana Gojūon Typographic symbols Japanese punctuation Iteration mark Uses Syllabograms Furigana Okurigana Braille Romanization Rōmaji Hepburn (colloquial) Kunrei(ISO) Nihon(ISO transliteration) JSL (transliteration) Wāpuro (keyboard) v t e

Are there any Japanese characters that are used in Chinese?

The character 働 and some others are also used in Chinese now, but most kokuji are unknown outside Japan. Kokkun are characters and combinations of characters that have different meanings in Japanese and Chinese.