Users' questions

What does it mean to have a thickened heart muscle?

What does it mean to have a thickened heart muscle?

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a disease in which the heart muscle becomes abnormally thick (hypertrophied). The thickened heart muscle can make it harder for the heart to pump blood.

How do you treat thickened heart muscle?

Alcohol septal ablation (nonsurgical procedure) – In this procedure, ethanol (a type of alcohol) is injected through a tube into the small artery that supplies blood to the area of heart muscle thickened by HCM. The alcohol causes these cells to die. The thickened tissue shrinks to a more normal size.

Is thickening of the heart muscle reversible?

Treatment. There is no treatment which can reverse the changes of the heart muscle. Treatment aims to ease symptoms if they occur and to prevent complications. If you do not have any symptoms or you only have mild symptoms then you may not need any treatment.

Can thickening of the heart be reversed?

“It depends on the etiology,” or origin of the problem. With certain conditions, such as congestive heart failure, complete reversal of the enlargement of the heart may not be possible. But with other conditions, such as pregnancy or a treatable infection, a complete reversal of the condition may be possible.

Can thickening of heart muscle be corrected?

Certain conditions may cause the heart muscle to thicken or one of the chambers of the heart to dilate, making the heart larger. Depending on the condition, an enlarged heart may be temporary or permanent. An enlarged heart may be treatable by correcting the cause.

What causes heart muscle thickening?

The primary cause of thickening of the heart muscle in cats is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The causes of HCM are not fully understood. However, research shows that there is a genetic link, particularly in some breeds.

What is thickening of the heart muscle called?

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is associated with thickening of the heart muscle, most commonly at the septum between the ventricles, below the aortic valve. This leads to stiffening of the walls of the heart and abnormal aortic and mitral heart valve function, both of which may impede normal blood flow out of the heart.

What does thickening of the heart mean?

The thickening of heart wall means that the heart chambers like ventricles have a thicker than normal wall or a hypertrophied wall.