Users' questions

What do you think Updike means when he writes outside the sunshine is skating around on the asphalt and how does the metaphor reflect the mood of the story?

What do you think Updike means when he writes outside the sunshine is skating around on the asphalt and how does the metaphor reflect the mood of the story?

Updike uses this metaphor to show readers what the parking lot looks like on this hot summer day. Because the sun has heated up the asphalt, the air just above it is less dense than usual and refracts light differently. This creates a mirage that looks as if there were water on the asphalt.

What is it that the A&P narrator’s family finds sad?

He also makes a comment in the middle of the story from his future perspective: “Now here comes the sad part of the story, at least my family says it’s sad but I don’t think it’s sad myself.” Here he confirms that his family has already reacted to the event, which they found “sad,” and that he continues to stand by his …

What does sizing up their joints mean?

size up. look at critically, searchingly, or in minute detail. All that was left for us to see was old McMahon patting his mouth and looking after them sizing up their joints.

What is the climax of “A&P” by John Updike?

The climax of John Updike ‘s short story, “A & P”, comes when Sammy utters the words “I quit” to his store manager, Mr. Lengel. The beginning of the climax (and completion of the rising action) occurs when Lengel chastizes the girls for being improperly dressed in the grocery.

Who is the protagonist in “A&P” by John Updike?

John Updike’s story entitled “A&P” is a narration of a man who seeks for his identity and pride. The narrator of this story is also the main character – Sammy. This protagonist is a simple man – a grocery clerk and an observer.

What are the conflicts in John Updike’s “A&P”?

The conflict in John Updike’s A&P evolutes in the society of the 1960s in the form of the hippy movement and different conceptions about freedom. It is the conflict between generations, which is common for many periods, but it was extremely vivid and influential for the historical, cultural, and social development of the country during that period.