Users' questions

What attracts raccoons to your house?

What attracts raccoons to your house?

Some common foods that attract raccoons include human food in garbage cans, and pet food, and bird seed in feeders. Raccoons are attracted to goldfish ponds, and chicken coops, and even birds in cages. They are also attracted to safe places to live, such as an attic of a house that is easy to get into.

What to do if there’s a raccoon in your house?

If a raccoon does get in your home, leave it alone! Any attempt to fight it might result in injury! Keep your pets away! Open every window and door that you can find, and let the animal find its own way out.

Can raccoons claw through walls?

The wildlife company has said they can knock a hole in the wall from the inside of the house and extract the animals that way.

Why do raccoons come to my house?

Like humans and most other animals, raccoons have three basic needs for survival: food, water and shelter. Your home provides ample opportunities for each. Raccoons are excellent climbers that have no problem scaling fences or finding ways into attics and crawlspaces that provide them entry points.

How do you get rid of raccoons in the House?

The easiest way to get a raccoon out of a house is to trap and release. Humane cage traps are growing more popular since it’s easy to lure a raccoon inside. Just set one up near its home in your house and use a bait. Once it is inside the trap, you can get it out of the house.

How do raccoons get into a house?

Raccoons sometimes enter houses via clogged gutters, where excess moisture rots wood and makes it easier for them to gnaw holes.

Can raccoons enter a home?

In residential neighborhoods, raccoons create dens in chimneys, attics, and basements of manmade buildings, as well as under porches and sheds in yards. The pests enter homes and sheds through cracks in building foundations and invade lawns. Additionally, raccoons may enlarge existing holes or rip siding off exterior walls to make their way indoors.

Do you have a raccoon in your attic?

If some of your garbage bags have been torn open, that may be a sign that you have an unwanted visitor. Some raccoons may also leave behind prints that may be visible in the mud or snow. You can also check if you have raccoons in the attic by listening closely at night. A noisy attic is a pretty good sign that you do indeed have a raccoon problem.