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What are the 5 types of reader response approach?

What are the 5 types of reader response approach?

Results: Reader-response theory could be categorized into several modes including: 1) “Transactional” approach used by Louise Rosenblatt and Wolfgang Iser 2) “Historical context” favored by Hans Robert Juass 3) “Affective stylistics” presented by Stanley Fish 4) “Psychological” approach employed by Norman Holland 5) “ …

What is reader response approach to literature?

Reader-response criticism is a school of literary theory that focuses on the reader (or “audience”) and their experience of a literary work, in contrast to other schools and theories that focus attention primarily on the author or the content and form of the work.

How does the textbook define reader response criticism?

Reader-response literary criticism recognizes the simple fact that readers respond to literature on an emotional level and that such responses are important to the understanding of the work.

What is a key idea of reader response approaches to literary criticism?

Reader-response criticism argues that literature should be viewed as a performing art in which each reader creates their own, possibly unique, text-related performance. It stands in total opposition to the theories of formalism and the New Criticism, in which the reader’s role in re-creating literary works is ignored.

How is reader response criticism used in literature?

At its most basic level, reader-response criticism considers readers’ reactions to literature as vital to interpreting the meaning of the text. However, reader-response criticism can take a number of different approaches. A critic deploying reader-response theory can use a psychoanalytic lens, a feminist lens, or even a structuralist lens.

What do you mean by reader response theory?

Reader-response criticism is a school of literary theory that focuses on the reader (or “audience . and his or her experience of a literary work, in contrast to other “) schools and theories that focus attention primarily on the author or the content and form of the work. 3.

Who is a pioneer in reader response criticism?

Thus to textual reader-response critics, the text directs interpretation as the reader directs the text to interpretation. A pioneer in reader-response criticism is Louise Rosenblatt, whose Literature as Exploration (5th ed., 1995) provided an alternative theory to the persistent New Critical approaches that gained such popularity.

What should be the challenge of reader response?

As a beginning scholar, be cautious of criticizing any text as “boring,” “crazy,” or “dull.” If you do criticize, base your criticism on the principles and form of the text itself. The challenge of a reader-response is to show how you connected with the text.