Users' questions

What are skin names?

What are skin names?

Skin Names Similar to a surname, a Skin Name indicates a person’s blood line. It also conveys information about how generations are linked and how they should interact. Unlike surnames, husbands and wives don’t share the same Skin Name, and children don’t share their parents’ name.

What are some Aboriginal names?

12 popular Aboriginal baby names for girls

  • 1/12. Kirra.
  • Maali/Mahlee/Marli. Maali/Mahlee/Marli is a name found in quite a few languages around the world.
  • Jedda. Jedda is another popular Aboriginal girls name.
  • Yindi. Yindi is a common Aboriginal girls name and is believed to mean sun.
  • Alinta.
  • Lowanna.
  • Alira/Allira/Allyra.
  • Keira.

What are common Aboriginal surnames?

Many Aboriginal people were known by a single or common first name and no surname – for example, Nellie, Jenny and Lizzy for women, and Bobby, Jimmy and Charlie for men. Surnames were often assigned by European employers and Aboriginal people were sometimes given their employer’s surname.

Who are the Pitjantjatjara people and what do they do?

The Pitjantjatjara people are an Aboriginal language group linked closely with the Yankunytjatjara and the Ngaanyatjarra people. Pitjantjatjara culture, spiritual beliefs and language have been passed from generation to generation since the beginning.

How is the ethnonym Pitjantjatjara pronounced in English?

The ethnonym Pitjantjatjara is usually pronounced (in normal, fast speech) with elision of one of the repeated syllables -tja-, thus: pitjantjara. In more careful speech all syllables will be pronounced. The name Pitjantjatjara derives from the word pitjantja, a nominalised form of the verb “go” (equivalent to the English “going” used as a noun).

Where did the Pitjantjatjara people settle in Australia?

Some can even be found settled amongst the desert scenery in Western Australia. For the Pitjantjatjara people, the land is such an important part of life and history, and the barren, sun-parched setting forms a huge part of their identity. Every area holds stories, ancestral beings and meaning for the Anangu.

What does Alpiri mean in Pitjantjatjara language?

‘Alpiri’ is a form of motivational or instructional speech traditionally used in the early morning in Anangu camps. Usually an elder would get up early to broadcast a message to people waking in the camp. In the alpiri video series, we have produced short videos in which …