Users' questions

Is the National Naro a non-profit organization?

Is the National Naro a non-profit organization?

NARO is a non-profit organization supported by member dues, donations and supporters. If you are interested in advertising on our website, in our monthly newsletter or at a state convention, please call for information about our rates. Help support our education mission. Contact our National Headquarters today.

How much does the average Naro member make?

We have members in all 50 states. The average NARO member is over 60 years old, widowed and receives less than $500 a month in royalties, which supplements their social security income. Owners of producing mineral interest (royalty owners) are entitled to their proportionate share of production paid by royalty revenue.

Who is the Executive Director of Naro energy?

My name is Jack Fleet, executive director of NARO. I appreciate the opportunity to provide testimony to the committee on this important topic. This testimony is being provided to present NARO’s concerns about legislation which has been proposed in Congress and would remove Percentage Depletion Allowance for oil and gas production.

How old is the average Naro royalty owner?

We were founded by Jim Stafford in 1980 to address the concern of Windfall Profit Tax on royalty owners. We have members in all 50 states. The average NARO member is over 60 years old, widowed and receives less than $500 a month in royalties, which supplements their social security income.

What does the word Pantsu mean in Japanese?

Pantsu is a phonetic translation based on the Japanese definition for panties (パンツ; pronounced pantsu), or underwear. The pantsu theme became a popular type of fanservice in ecchi anime and manga due to its indecensy despite not showing nudity.

Who is the National Agricultural Research Organization ( NARO )?

The National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO) is an agency of the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) with the mandate to coordinate and oversee all aspects of public funded agricultural research in Uganda.

Who are the Governing Council and Secretariat of Naro?

Established as a body corporate by the National Agricultural Research Act of 2005, NARO comprises a Governing Council, a Secretariat and 16 Public Agricultural Research Institutes (PARIs) spread across the country.