Users' questions

How do you treat galactorrhea?

How do you treat galactorrhea?

Use a medication to shrink the tumor or have surgery to remove it. Try a medication, such as bromocriptine (Cycloset, Parlodel) or cabergoline, to lower your prolactin level and minimize or stop milky nipple discharge. Side effects of these medications commonly include nausea, dizziness and headaches.

Is galactorrhea cancerous?

Symptoms and Causes Doctors do not always know what causes galactorrhea. The most common cause is a pituitary tumor, a usually benign (not cancerous) growth on the pituitary gland.

Is galactorrhea life threatening?

In the absence of a prolactinoma or thyroid dysfunction, galactorrhea is not a life‐threatening condition, though it may be associated with amenorrhea, infertility, and osteoporosis.

What Colour is galactorrhea?

The main symptom of galactorrhea is a milky white discharge from one or both nipples. Sometimes, the discharge is yellow or greenish in color.

How long does galactorrhea last?

Galactorrhea may be considered physiologic. Pregnant women may lactate as early as the second trimester and may continue to produce milk for up to two years after cessation of breast-feeding.

Does galactorrhea cause weight gain?

This study confirms previous observations that recent weight gain in women is preceded by important life-events and is associated with galactorrhea and increased prolactin levels in a number of them. Besides, it provides evidence that the increased prolactin levels are due to reduced hypothalamic dopaminergic tone.

How long can galactorrhea last?

Is galactorrhea normal?

Galactorrhea (guh-lack-toe-REE-uh) is a milky nipple discharge unrelated to the normal milk production of breast-feeding. Galactorrhea itself isn’t a disease, but it could be a sign of an underlying problem. It usually occurs in women, even those who have never had children or after menopause.

Is galactorrhea a problem?

Galactorrhea itself isn’t a disease, but it could be a sign of an underlying problem. It usually occurs in women, even those who have never had children or after menopause. But galactorrhea can happen in men and even in infants.

What is the cause of galactorrhea?

After infancy, galactorrhea usually is medication-induced. The most common pathologic cause of galactorrhea is a pituitary tumor. Other causes include hypothalamic and pituitary stalk lesions, neurogenic stimulation, thyroid disorders, and chronic renal failure.

What does galactorrhea mean in medical dictionary?

Galactorrhea: The spontaneous flow of milk from the nipple at any time other than during nursing.

What are the causes of galactorrhea?

Galactorrhea can take place as a result of dysregulation of certain hormones. Hormonal causes most frequently associated with galactorrhea are hyperprolactinemia and thyroid conditions with elevated levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) or thyrotropin-releasing hormone ( TRH ).

How does galactorrhea occur in male?

However, sometimes the cause of galactorrhea are impossible to identify. When this occurs, it’s called idiopathic galactorrhea. It’s associated with situations in which the breasts are especially sensitive to prolactin. When it occurs in men, galactorrhea may be due to a lack of testosterone.

What is the plural of galactorrhea?

The noun galactorrhea can be countable or uncountable. In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be galactorrhea . However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be galactorrheas e.g. in reference to various types of galactorrheas or a collection of galactorrheas.