Users' questions

How do you make aspirin from phenol?

How do you make aspirin from phenol?

Therefore, we can convert phenol to aspirin by treating phenol with sodium hydroxide and carbon dioxide in an acidic medium. Then treated the product salicylic acid with acetic anhydride. Note:The molecular formula of aspirin is C9H8O4 C 9 H 8 O 4 .

How do you synthesize aspirin with benzene?

First, benzene is alkylated to cumene (isopropylbenzene) by Friedel-Crafts reaction. Oxidation by air gives cumene hydroperoxide, which is then hydrolyzed to phenol by treatment with aqueous acid. Salicylic acid is obtained by othro-carboxylation with carbon dioxide in a Kolbe-Schmitt reaction.

Why is acetic anhydride used in aspirin synthesis?

Acetic anhydride is the preferred acid derivative to synthesize aspirin commercially because the acetic acid produced in this reaction can be used again , by converting it back into acetic anhydride. In a 125-mL erlenmeyer flask, add 2 g salicylic acid (put the flask on the balance, and zero it).

What are the impurities in aspirin synthesis?

Synthesis of Aspirin. After the synthesis of aspirin, the product was recrystallized for purification to rid the product of impurities. A major impurity that could be found in the crude product would be unreacted salicylic acid . The crude product and the purified product can be tested using ferric chloride.

What is the percent yield of aspirin?

The actual yield of pure aspirin was 2.863g with a yield of 76%. The percent yield indicates that our synthesis was a success but the yield is low and indicates that some of the aspirin was lost during synthesis.

Is aspirin synthesis an esterification reaction?

The synthesis of aspirin is known in organic chemistry as an esterification reaction . This is a substitution reaction in which an alcohol (the -OH group in salicylic acid) reacts with acetic anhydride to form an ester, aspirin.