Users' questions

How do you convert IR verbs in French?

How do you convert IR verbs in French?

vir1: -ir verbs (regular) present tense. Verbs with infinitives ending in -ir form a second group of regular verbs in French, often called ‘second conjugation’ verbs. To conjugate these verbs, drop the -ir from the infinitive and add the second conjugation present tense endings: -is, -is, -it, -issons, -issez, -issent.

What are ir ending verbs in French?

Common regular -ir verbs

abolir to abolish
établir to establish
étourdir to stun, to deafen, to make dizzy
finir to finish
franchir to clear (an obstacle)

How do you use ir verbs in French?

To conjugate these verbs, drop the -ir from the infinitive and add the second conjugation present tense endings: -is, -is, -it, -issons, -issez, -issent. The singular and plural forms of the third person are clearly distinguishable (finit vs.finissent). Listen to the difference. Practice and learn French with these sentences with IR verbs.

What do you call verbs with an IR ending?

Verbs with infinitives ending in -ir form a second group of regular verbs in French, often called ‘second conjugation’ verbs. To conjugate these verbs, drop the -ir from the infinitive and add the second conjugation present tense endings: -is , -is , -it , -issons , -issez , -issent. The singular and plural forms of the third person are clearly

How to conjugate ir verbs in present tense?

To conjugate an -ir verb in the present tense, remove the infinitive ending and then add the appropriate endings. For example, here are the present tense conjugations for the regular -ir verbs choisir , finir (to finish), and réussir (to succeed): Pronoun. Ending. choisir > chois-. finir > fin-.

Which is the second group of verbs in French?

Verbs with infinitives ending in -ir form a second group of regular verbs in French, often called ‘second conjugation’ verbs.