Users' questions

How do you calculate mass accuracy in ppm?

How do you calculate mass accuracy in ppm?


  1. The DAQ reports the mass accuracy for each of the three input calibration ions in parts per million (ppm).
  2. Mm = measured m/Q.
  3. Me = exact m/Q.
  4. Mass Accuracy = 1e6 * (Mm-Me)/Me.
  5. You cannot “ruin” an MS data set because of a bad mass calibration in the DAQ.

What is accurate mass in mass spectrometry?

Accurate Mass measurements are routine experiments performed by modern mass spectrometers. The accuracy of a measurement refers to the degree of conformity of a measured quantity to its actual true value. Well, the more accurate a mass spectrometer is, the more expensive it is.

What does ppm mean in mass spectrometry?

parts per million
Mass Tolerance / Error. ppm (parts per million) Formula: Δ Theoretical value.

How accurate is mass spectrometry?

Modern mass spectrometers generally report accurate mass measurements to four decimal places (seven significant figures for masses between 100 and 999 Da) and sometimes more.

What kind of ion trap is used for mass spectrometry?

An Orbitrap is a modified Kingdon trap that is used for mass spectrometry. Though the idea has been suggested and computer simulations performed neither the Kingdon nor the Knight configurations were reported to produce mass spectra, as the simulations indicated mass resolving power would be problematic.

How to calculate mass accuracy and mass resolution?

Definition: Mass resolution = (ion mass)/(mass peak separation) R = (m/z) / D m m D~ 2 W 1/2 Valley Height ~10% of peak height m/z = 200 Da. From previous example: R = 200 Da. / 1.0 Da. R 10% = 200 ~ 1.0 Da. R W1/2 = 400 Resolving power & mass accuracy m/z = 613.964203 R = 614/0.68 = 903 W 1/2 = 0.68 Da.

What is the accuracy of a mass spectrometry instrument?

An instrument capable of a response at 750 m/z, also deficient by 2 mmu, would be accurate to 2.7 ppm. In the first case, the measurement is more than sufficient for unambiguous identification of a chemical formula, according to the published standards of the Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry.

How to calculate mass resolution in TOF MS?

Mass resolution = (ion mass)/(mass peak width) R = (m/z) / W 1/2 m/z = 200 Da. Example: R = 200 Da./0.5 Da. R = 400 Mass resolution Older definition – peaks of equal heights Definition: Mass resolution = (ion mass)/(mass peak separation) R = (m/z) / D m m D~ 2 W 1/2 Valley Height ~10% of peak height m/z = 200 Da.