Users' questions

How do I convert PSIG to PSI?

How do I convert PSIG to PSI?

To convert psi to psig, you add atmospheric pressure to the psig value. Atmospheric pressure is 101,325 pascals, or 101,325 newtons per square meter. Divide 101,325 by 1,550, which is the number of square inches in a square meter: 101,325 ÷ 1,550 = 65.37. This is atmospheric pressure in newtons per square inch.

Is PSI same as PSIG?

PSI: This term is short for “pound-force per square inch,” typically referring to gas or liquid. PSIG: This is the term used for PSI in relation to atmospheric pressure. PSIG is also known as Gauge Pressure. The ambient pressure at sea level is about 14.7 PSIA, but ambient PSIG is always 0.

How do you convert PSI to PSIA?

Thus a tire inflated to a gauge pressure of 32 psi, or a PSIG of 32, would have an absolute pressure, relative to a vacuum, of about 32 + 14.7 = 46.7 psi, or a PSIA of 46.7.

How do you calculate PSI?

PSI is a unit of measure for pressure, and pressure (PSI) is the amount of force (lbf) applied per unit of area (in2). The equations below illustrate this. To convert PSI to lbs, simply multiply the pressure by the area over which the force is applied.

Which is the correct value for psig and PSIA?

You can use the actual atmospheric pressure value for your location if it is available, or you can also use 14.7 psi (the approximate atmospheric pressure at sea level) as a standard value to convert PSIG to PSIA and vice versa. (Unless you live at high altitude or in a deep valley, the sea level value will work.)

Is there a reverse unit conversion from psig to Psi?

You can do the reverse unit conversion from psig to psi, or enter any two units below: The pound per square inch or, more accurately, pound-force per square inch (symbol: psi or lbf/in² or lbf/in²) is a unit of pressure or of stress based on avoirdupois units.

When does a pressure gauge give a psig reading?

When a pressure gauge gives a reading called psig, it’s the difference between absolute pressure of the connected pressure source and the local atmospheric pressure.

How to convert gigapascal GPa to Psi Psi?

How to Convert Gigapascal to Psi. 1 GPa = 145037.73773 psi. 1 psi = 6.8947572931783E-6 GPa. Example: convert 15 GPa to psi: 15 GPa = 15 × 145037.73773 psi = 2175566.06595 psi.