Users' questions

Can Egyptian Maus have blue eyes?

Can Egyptian Maus have blue eyes?

There can also be black, blue silver, blue spotted, blue smoke, and blue Egyptian Maus. Aside from its coat, the Mau’s most striking feature is its wide-set eyes, which are a bright “gooseberry green,” and give its wedge-shaped face a perpetually worried-looking expression.

How can I tell if my cat is an Egyptian Mau?

Look for a distinctly spotted coat.

  1. The spots on a Egyptian mau are typically charcoal or jet black, depending on the coats other colors.
  2. The cat’s coat aside from the spots may be silver, bronze, or smoke colored. This makes it distinct from other spotted cats, like the Bengal, which may have a more reddish coat.

What color eyes does the Egyptian Mau have?

gooseberry green
One of the most distinctive features of the Egyptian mau is its eyes, which are large, slightly slanted, and of a unique light “gooseberry green” color.

Are Egyptian Mau cats rare?

This breed is extremely rare and it is estimated that there might be as little as 3 000 Maus worldwide today. And did you know the Egyptian Mau is the fastest of all domestic cats?

Are Egyptian Maus intelligent?

The Egyptian mau is a regal, intelligent cat. They are very loyal to their people, often choosing to bond most strongly with one particular person, but being affectionate and loving with everyone in their family unit. They can be a little standoffish to strangers at first, but will usually warm up quickly.

Do Egyptian Maus like to be held?

They also like playing in water. Egyptian Maus like being held but they also need their own time. They are friendly but independent. Being a short-haired breed of cats, they do not shed much and they are a relatively healthy breed of cats that can live up to 15 years.

What is the lifespan of an Egyptian Mau?

3 days ago
Around 15 years
Life span: Around 15 years. The Egyptian Mau’s endless energy usually means a long and active life.

Are Egyptian Maus smart?

The Egyptian mau is a regal, intelligent cat. They are very loyal to their people, often choosing to bond most strongly with one particular person, but being affectionate and loving with everyone in their family unit.

Are Egyptian Maus talkative?

Maus, while not overly vocal, tend to talk in a stunning variety of ways. Meows, chirps, whistles, and chortles are all common Egyptian mau vocalizations. Maus also have a peculiar act when they are excited.

Are Egyptian Maus healthy?

The Egyptian Mau is generally healthy, but one problem that may affect the breed is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is the most common form of heart disease in cats and causes enlargement (hypertrophy) of the heart muscle.

How long do Egyptian Maus live?

9 to 13 years
Egyptian Mau

height 7 to 11 inches
life span 9 to 13 years
good with children seniors cats families
temperament sociable affectionate
intelligence high