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Can a septal hematoma come back?

Can a septal hematoma come back?

Hematomas in most other areas of the body are usually reabsorbed over time, much as happens to a bruise. Septal hematomas, however, tend not to heal on their own and need to be drained promptly in most cases.

How long does septal hematoma last?

Treating a septal hematoma requires it to be incised and drained to prevent avascular necrosis of the septal hyaline cartilage. This will depend on diffusion of nutrients from its attached nasal mucosa. The septum can generally heal within 1 week, without any evidence of the incision.

How urgent is a septal hematoma?

A septal hematoma requires urgent treatment from your doctor in order to stop any further complications arising. They’ll need to assess the extent of the damage and determine the best course of action for your treatment. The septal hematoma will need to be drained.

How do you manage a septal hematoma?

Treatment of septal hematoma is performed via small incisions through the mucoperichondrium to evacuate the blood. After the drainage the nose is packed or quilting stitches are put in. Silicone stents can also be used to prevent re-accumulation of the hematoma.

What causes a septal hematoma in the nose?

Septal hematomas are usually caused by nasal injury, the most common form of trauma to the face. A broken nose, surgery, or an injury to the soft tissue are all frequent causes of septal hematoma.

How can you tell if you have septal hematoma?

The nasal septum is usually rigid and thin. If you have a septal hematoma, your doctor will be able to press it down with a swab as the area will be soft. They’ll also be able to look into your nose to see if you have any swelling between the nostrils.

How does a doctor drain a septal hematoma?

Draining is a surgical procedure that, in most cases, can be performed with a local anesthesia that allows a person to remain awake during the drainage. A doctor will cut into the nose to drain the blood and then may pack it with gauze to reduce bleeding and keep it stable.

What happens if you have an untreated septal hematoma?

A doctor may also have to drain swelling, surrounding the infection, or remove damaged or dead tissue. An untreated septal hematoma may cause the septum of the nose to collapse or to separate, leading to what is called a deviated septum. This can cause difficulty breathing and chronic sinus problems.