Users' questions

Are short-tailed bats native to NZ?

Are short-tailed bats native to NZ?

The endangered lesser short-tailed bat is an ancient species unique to New Zealand and is found only in a few locations. The greater short-tailed bat is probably extinct.

How many short-tailed bats are left in New Zealand?

New Zealand has three species of endemic bats – the long-tailed bat, the lesser short-tailed bat and the greater short-tailed bat, which is thought to be extinct….New Zealand bat species.

Common name Greater short-tailed bat
Scientific name Mystacina robusta
Threat status Data deficient
Location Unknown – thought extinct

Are there any bats in New Zealand?

There are two species of bats in New Zealand; the long-tailed bat and the lesser short-tailed bat. Maori folklore refer to bats as pekapeka and associate them with the mythical, night-flying bird, hokioi, which foretells death or disaster.

Why did the greater short-tailed bat go extinct?

In prehistoric times it lived in the North and South Islands but by the time of European arrival was restricted to small islands near Stewart Island/Rakiura. It is thought that a rat invasion of Taukihepa/Big South Cape Island in 1963 led to the species extinction.

Are there any short tailed bats in New Zealand?

Northern lesser short-tailed bat (Northland, Auckland), Mystacina tuberculata aupourica, which is classified as Threatened: Nationally Endangered. Central lesser short-tailed bat (Central Plateau, Hawkes Bay, Taranaki, Wellington), Mystacina tuberculata rhyacobia, which is classified as At Risk: Declining.

Where do short tailed bats like to roost?

Short-tailed bats live in large colonies. They are a deep forest bat and like to roost in old hollow trees. Short-tailed bats are lek breeders – the males will gather in groups and compete for females by singing or calling to attract a mate.

Which is smaller a mouse or a short tailed bat?

Short-tailed bats are smaller than a mouse and will fit into the palm of your hand. Northern lesser short-tailed bat (Northland, Auckland), Mystacina tuberculata aupourica, which is classified as Threatened: Nationally Endangered.

What makes a New Zealand bat a microbat?

New Zealand bat species are microbats. Some distinguishing features of microbats are: their teeth structure is suited for a diet of insects and small lizards and frogs. Taxonomy is an ever-evolving science as research techniques improve or change, allowing more information to be gathered.