Users' questions

Are DSST exams hard?

Are DSST exams hard?

Compared to taking college courses, multiple-choice DSST exams are not difficult. Study guides are available to help you quickly prepare for the exams. Some people have reviewed study guides and passed DSST exams with no prior knowledge of the subjects.

What is a passing score on a DSST test?

400 or higher
A score of 400 or higher for the majority of DSST tests is considered passing. The minimum is 200 and the maximum is 600. A score of 400 is comparable to earning a “C” grade on a test which would be considered passing.

What happens if you fail DSST?

If you fail a DSST exam, there is no limit to how many times you can retake the same test, but you must wait 30 days before retaking the test. You must also pay $85 for the test again (plus any proctoring fees, if applicable).

Is Dantes same as DSST?

DANTES sponsors the Credit-by- Exam Program which includes two separate groups: DSST (formerly DANTES Standardized Subject Tests) and CLEP (College Level Examination Program).

What is the pass rate for the DSST?

The Principles of Supervision DSST had a pass rate of above 85% for both the paper-based and online tests, followed by Introduction to Business, which had a 62%-72% pass rate, Business Ethics and Society, which had a 70% pass rate, and Human Resource Management, which averaged a pass rate of 65%.

Which is easier to pass, the DSST or the SAT?

You can generally assume that tests with higher pass rates should be easier for most people than tests with lower pass rates. The military has released the pass rates for some of the DSST tests. Here is our analysis of the results: Overall, many of the business subjects appear to get some of the highest pass rates.

How are cut scores determined for DSST exams?

The scoring model applied to all refreshed and new DSST exams is called “criterion-referenced.” This method sets cut scores based on judgments about individual test questions or the test as a whole. It determines how many of the test questions must be answered correctly in order to pass.

Which is easier the military or the DSST?

You can generally assume that tests with higher pass rates should be easier for most people than tests with lower pass rates. The military has released the pass rates for some of the DSST tests. Here is our analysis of the results: