Users' questions

Apa arti dari eau de toilette?

Apa arti dari eau de toilette?

Eau de toilette (EDT) adalah pewangi tubuh yang memiliki aroma lebih ringan daripada eau de parfum (EDP). Dengan kandungan alkohol yang tinggi, wewangian EDP lebih cepat menguap,membuat ketahanan aromanya hanya bisa bertahan sekitar 2-3 jam saja.

Cologne itu apa?

Istilah cologne ini biasanya dipakai untuk beberapa produk pengharum badan yang punya aroma musky dan maskulin. Perbedaan parfum dengan cologne terletak pada kandungan air dan alkohol dibandingkan essential oil yang terdapat di dalamnya, dan menjadikan arganya relatif lebih murah.

Apa bedanya Eau de toilette dan eau de cologne?

Cologne umumnya dipasarkan dalam ukuran besar hingga 200 ml dan harganya pun sangat terjangkau. Eau de toilette (EDT) mengandung sekitar 7-15% minyak parfum. Sama halnya dengan cologne, aroma yang dihasilkan EDT pun cenderung ringan dan dapat bertahan 2-3 jam.

Eau De Toilette dipakai dimana?

Eau de Toilette Sebab, jenis parfum yang satu ini mengandung perfume oil hingga 15 persen dengan waktu ketahanan aroma kurang lebih 5 jam. Untuk membuat parfum Eau de Toilette bertahan lama, kamu dapat menggunakannya di beberapa bagian tubuh, seperti pergelangan tangan, sisi kanan dan kiri leher, serta belakang siku.

What does eau de toilette stand for?

Eau de toilette. Eau de toilette (French: [o d(ə) twalɛt]) literally translated as toilet water (but more appropriately described as “grooming water”) is a lightly scented cologne used as a skin freshener. It is also referred to as “aromatic waters” and has a high alcohol content. It is usually applied directly to the skin after bathing or shaving.

What is the difference between Eau de toilette and Cologne?

• The basic difference in Eau de Toilette (called toilet water) and Cologne lies in their composition where eau de Toilette contains a higher percentage of aromatic compounds. • Aromatic oils (called essential oils) in eau de Toilette are to the tune of 5-15% whereas their percentage in Cologne is around 2-5% only.

What is the difference between perfume and toilet water?

If you bought your perfume from a reputable retailer, most likely, your new perfume is not a perfume (eau de parfum), but a toilet water (eau de toilette). Main difference between these two most common forms of fragrances is in the concentration ratio of the essential oils and the alcohol.

Is eau de toilette for guys or girls?

Eau de toilette can be used by both men and women. The perfume industry often markets cologne as men’s fragrance and perfume as women’s fragrance. However, there are options for both genders across the pe rfume categories and vary mainly by the amount of perfume oil as well as the notes and ingredients.’