
Why are Christian testimonies of miracles so important?

Why are Christian testimonies of miracles so important?

So are Christian testimonies of miracles. Our testimonies bring God’s Word into focus, making it both real and relevant in our world today. Remember that Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy your health. Satan comes to bring the oppression of sickness and infirmity.

How many testimonies and miracles are there in the world?

In one category, which has over 2 million results, God, The Father & Jesus & The Holy Spirit have promoted TestimoniesandMiracles.net to number one in the world for over 5 years! In another category with over 70 million results, God, The Father & Jesus & The Holy Spirit have promoted TestimoniesandMiracles.net to # 1 in the world!!

Is it true that there are modern day miracles?

In fact, modern day miracles happen all over the world, through the power of Jesus Christ. On this page you can watch real life miracles with your own eyes, and witness amazing testimonies of miracles that happened in our time. What you are about to see, will open your eyes for a fascinating reality: modern day miracles are real.

Who are some of the people who do miracles?

Andres Bisonni is one of the many evangelists who travel worldwide and see God touch the lives of thousands of people with His miracle working and life saving power. Enjoy the videos and share with friends please.

How to celebrate recovery with testimonies on YouTube?

Celebrate Recovery-Testimonies – YouTube Share your videos with friends, family, and the world

What do you need to know about Celebrate Recovery?

The enemy will try to distract you and tempt you to give up. Do not listen to his lies. Trust the process and the people God will bring along your recovery journey in Celebrate Recovery. Finish together. By working hard and staying the course, we find healing while becoming a part of bringing beauty, God’s glory, to others.

When did I start the Celebrate Recovery Kit?

I ordered the Celebrate Recovery Starter kit with the intention of sharing it with my pastor and starting it in my church. In 2005, I attended my first Celebrate Recovery Summit at Saddleback Church, and was blessed beyond words. As I attended the workshops, and learned more about CR, I felt as if I had come home!!
