
What is the number one hazard among bulk carriers?

What is the number one hazard among bulk carriers?

Dust from working cargo: Dust is one of the most common hazards in bulk carriers. Many bulk cargoes are dusty by nature. Dust particles are small enough to be inhaled and if inhaled can have disastrous effects on health.

What happened to MV stellar Daisy?

MV Stellar Daisy was a South Korean-owned very large ore carrier (VLOC) that sank on March 31, 2017 in the South Atlantic off the coast of Uruguay while on a voyage from Brazil to China. She was the largest ship, by a factor of over three on gross tonnage, to be lost at sea….Stellar Daisy.

Crew 24

What are the hazards in handling bulk cargoes?

Carrying solid bulk cargoes involves serious risks, which must be managed carefully to safeguard the crew and the ship. These risks include reduced ship stability, and even capsizing, due to cargo liquefaction; fire or explosion due to chemical hazards; and damage to ship structures due to poor loading procedures.

What is a gearless bulk carrier?

Gearless carriers are bulk carriers without cranes or conveyors. These ships depend on shore-based equipment at their ports of call for loading and discharging.

Why are there so many bulk carrier accidents?

Despite what should already be a good level of knowledge, bulk carrier accidents continue to happen for a variety of reasons. These risks have now drawn the attention of the industry. When bulk cargoes shift, liquefy, catch fire or explode as a consequence of poor loading procedures, the consequences can be massive.

What are the risks of a bulk cargo ship?

These risks have now drawn the attention of the industry. When bulk cargoes shift, liquefy, catch fire or explode as a consequence of poor loading procedures, the consequences can be massive. Ships may capsize, lose stability or sustain severe stuctural damage.

Is it safe to use a bulk carrier?

This library contains information on safety of bulk carriers, and on the cargoes they carry. Blue buttons on the left connect you to relevant information. Dowload this poster by clicking the image above. When bulk cargoes shift, liquefy, catch fire or explode as a consequence of poor loading procedures, the consequences can be massive.

How many P & I claims come from bulk carriers?

This is quite clearly not the case, with some 24% of large P&I claims coming from bulk carriers, of which 40% are cargo related. Despite what should already be a good level of knowledge, bulk carrier accidents continue to happen for a variety of reasons. These risks have now drawn the attention of the industry.