
What is the difference between RowSet and ResultSet in JDBC?

What is the difference between RowSet and ResultSet in JDBC?

A ResultSet always maintains connection with the database. A RowSet can be connected, disconnected from the database. ResultSet Object is a JavaBean object. …

What is JDBC RowSet?

Overview. A RowSet is an object that encapsulates a set of rows from either java Database Connectivity (JDBC) result sets or tabular data sources. The support for RowSet was introduced in JDBC 2.0 through the optional packages.

What is difference between connected and disconnected RowSet in JDBC?

There are two types of RowSet available in JDBC 4.1 API, connected and disconnected. A connected RowSet always keeps a connection with the database, while a disconnected RowSet connects to the database, gets the data, and then closes the connection.

What are the advantages of RowSet?

Advantage of RowSet It is easy and flexible to use. It is Scrollable and Updatable bydefault.

How does a connected rowset object work in JDBC?

A connected RowSet object uses a JDBC driver to make a connection to a relational database and maintains that connection throughout its life span. A disconnected RowSet object makes a connection to a data source only to read in data from a ResultSet object or to write data back to the data source.

What’s the difference between resultset and rowset in Java?

So I’m aware of some relative differences i.e., the ResultSet has an ‘open connection’ to the database whereas a RowSet works in a ‘disconnected’ fashion. But that’s pretty much what I understand (may be incorrect): My question is then this – under what circumstances is one preferable over the other? What are each of their strengths/weaknesses?

When to use a disconnected rowset or a disconnected resultset?

There are situations in which RowSets are highly desirable. Since RowSets are serializable and ostensibly “lightweight”, the disconnected CachedRowSet (for example) represents a reasonably efficient mechanism for transmitting database query results between locations, particularly if you want the data to be updateable in situ.

How is a rowset object used in a DBMS?

If a driver for that DBMS does not add the ability to scroll or update result sets, you can use a RowSet object to do it. A RowSet object is scrollable and updatable by default, so by populating a RowSet object with the contents of a result set, you can effectively make the result set scrollable and updatable.