
What is the cropping intensity of India?

What is the cropping intensity of India?

Around 51% of India�s geographical area is already under cultivation as compared to 11% of the world average. The present cropping intensity of 136% has registered an increase of only 25% since independence.

Which state has the highest cropping intensity in India?

For these reasons, Punjab has the highest Cropping Intensity in India at 196% while Gujarat has only 124% which is much below the national average of 145%.

Which is the highest oilseed producing Indian state as per 2013 to 2014?

Which is the highest Oilseeds producing Indian state, as per 2013-14? The leading state in oilseeds production is Madhya Pradesh with 20.54% share followed by Rajasthan with 20.22% share and Gujarat with 18.81% share.

What is greater cropping intensity?

Cropping Intensity = Gross Cropped Area / Net Sown Area x 100. Thus, higher cropping intensity means that a higher proportion of the net sown area is being cropped more than once during one agricultural year. This also implies higher productivity per unit of arable land during one agricultural year.

What is the cropping intensity of Punjab State?

The cropping intensity (ratio of net sown area to gross cropped area) in the state has increased sharply from 126% in 1960-61 to 190% in 2017-18 (P) with adoption of input intensive agricultural practices.

What was the percentage of cropping intensity in 1960?

The cropping intensity (ratio of net sown area to gross cropped area) in the state has increased sharply from 126 percent in 1960-61 to 191 percent in 2018-19 with adoption of input intensive agricultural practices. However, it has shown a state of little variation after reaching a peak of 190 percent in 2010-11 to 2014-15.

Which is the highest cropping state in India?

As per State of Indian Agriculture Report, 2012-13, Punjab has the highest cropping intensity in the country closely followed by West Bengal (185%), Haryana (181%), Himachal Pradesh (173%) and Orrisa (162%) as compared to all India percentage 138%.

How does high cropping intensity affect soil fertility?

A higher cropping intensity indicates that the cropping area is being sown more than once during a year. The high cropping intensity severely affects soil fertility as it leaves no time for natural rejuvenation.