
What is Somesthetic area?

What is Somesthetic area?

The region in the parietal lobe of the cerebral cortex in which lie the terminations of the axons of general sensory conduction pathways. This area feels and interprets the cutaneous senses and conscious proprioceptive sense.

Where is the primary somatosensory cortex?

The primary somatosensory cortex, also referred to as S1, is found in a ridge of the cerebral cortex known as the postcentral gyrus. Located just posterior of the central sulcus, a fissure that runs down the side of the cerebral cortex, the primary somatosensory cortex comprises of Brodmann’s areas 3a, 3b, 1, and 2.

Where is the primary motor area?

precentral gyrus
The primary motor cortex is located in the precentral gyrus; the premotor area is more rostral.

What is secondary Somesthetic area?

The term secondary somatosensory cortex refers to a portion of the parietal lobe that is defined on the basis of multiple methods and that represents the sensibility to touch stimulation of the skin. The topographic pattern is in reverse sequence to that of the primary somesthetic area ( Carpenter-1983 ).

Where is the primary somesthetic area of the body?

12,14] The primary somesthetic area is located in the postcentral gyrus which exercises sensory control over the opposite side of the body.

Which is the primary receiving area for somesthesis?

The primary receiving areas for somesthesis continues up and over the top of the hemisphere and along the medial wall where the lower half of the body is represented. Specifically the rectum, genitals, foot and calf are located along the medial wall]

What are the primary somesthetic areas of the brain?

The primary somesthetic areas consists of three narrow strips of tissue (areas 3ab, 1, 2) which differ histologically, in architectural composition, and in sensory input. Moreover, each of these areas maintains a complete and independent representation of the body (Kaas, 1993).

What happens to Brodmann area 3, 1 and 2?

Destruction of brodmann area 3, 1, and 2 results in contralateral hemihypesthesia and astereognosis.