
What is Hypoglycorrhachia?

What is Hypoglycorrhachia?

Hypoglycorrhachia (abnormally low cerebro spinal fluid glucose content) eludes exact numerical definition, largely because of the dynamic equilibrium between blood and CSF glucose. A group of 181 pediatric patients with a CSF glucose less than 50 mg/100 ml or a CSF/blood glucose ratio less than 0.50 were studied.

Why is there Hypoglycorrhachia in bacterial meningitis?

The reason for depressed concentration of glucose in the spinal fluid of patients with bacterial meningitis is poorly understood, and leukocytes, microorganisms, alterations in the blood cerebrospinal fluid barrier and metabolism of glucose by neural cells have been implicated in the genesis of hypoglycorrhachia.

What is the normal glucose level of cerebrospinal fluid CSF?

Normal Results The glucose level in the CSF should be 50 to 80 mg/100 mL (or greater than 2/3 of the blood sugar level).

Why is protein high in bacterial meningitis?

Bacterial meningitis leads to a more permeable blood brain barrier (due to increased inflammation). Protein leaks into the subarachnoid space from the blood, resulting in markedly increased CSF protein levels.

What are the symptoms of hypoglycorrhachia in adults?

Patients with hypoglycorrhachia were more likely to be immunosuppressed, have a history of intravenous drug use, and present with a vesicular or petechial rash, nausea or vomiting, nuchal rigidity, sinusitis/otitis, abnormal mental status, and focal neurological deficits compared to those patients without hypoglycorrhachia ( p < 0.05).

What is the significance of Hypoglycorrhachia in meningitis?

Hypoglycorrhachia in meningitis has significant clinical and prognostic significance. A concomitant cerebrospinal fluid and serum glucose determination is rarely done appropriately. The degree of hypoglycorrhachia may aid in the differential diagnosis.

When to use hypoglycorrhachia in neonatal hemorrhage?

Hypoglycorrhachia may be used as an indication of the frequency of clinically inapparent subarachnoid hemorrhage in these high risk newborns. MeSH terms Cerebrospinal Fluid Proteins / analysis