
What is data spy in HTML?

What is data spy in HTML?

Scrollspy is a bootstrap​ plugin that automatically updates links in a navigation list based on the current scroll position. In the example below, scroll down the HTML page and note how the sections in the navigation bar are updated accordingly.

How do I use Scrollspy?

Bootstrap JS Scrollspy

  1. JS Scrollspy (scrollspy. js)
  2. Via data-* Attributes. Add data-spy=”scroll” to the element that should be used as the scrollable area (often this is the element).
  3. Via JavaScript. Enable manually with:
  4. Scrollspy Options.
  5. Scrollspy Methods.
  6. Scrollspy Events.
  7. More Examples.

What is a data spy?

A Dataspy is a named, predefined view of a list of records or set of data that can be used on any page, lookup, or data area that contains that same list of records. Specifies an additional Where clause used for filtering data.

How do I create a Scrollspy?

Create scrollspy: The data-spy=”scroll” and data-target=”. navbar” attribute is used to create scrollspy element. The scrollspy is used to update the navigation links when scrolling the page.

What is the definition of a dataspy in Java?

A Dataspy is a named, predefined view of a list of records or set of data that can be used on any page, lookup, or data area that contains that same list of records. A Dataspy consists of the following four basic components: Contains the conditional statements that make up a filter.

How to spy on an element in Excel?

Tip: The Affix plugin is often used together with the Scrollspy plugin. Add data-spy=”affix” to the element you want to spy on, and the data-offset-top|bottom=”number” attribute to calculate the position of the scroll. Options can be passed via data attributes or JavaScript.

How to spy on an element in Bootstrap JS?

Add data-spy=”affix” to the element you want to spy on, and the data-offset-top|bottom=”number” attribute to calculate the position of the scroll. Options can be passed via data attributes or JavaScript. For data attributes, append the option name to data-, as in data-offset=””.

Which is an example of a dataspy filter?

A Dataspy consists of the following four basic components: Contains the conditional statements that make up a filter. For example, a Dataspy might filter for all requisitions that have a Status “equal to” Approved, and a Creation Date “greater than” last Friday.