
What is an IB attitude?

What is an IB attitude?

There are 12 attitudes that help the student build their Learner Profile: Appreciation, Commitment, Creativity, Confidence, Curiosity, Cooperation, Empathy, Enthusiasm, Independence, Integrity, Respect, and Tolerance.

What are the 12 IB attitudes?

These qualities—embodied in the IB learner profile—prepare IB students to make exceptional contributions on campus.

  • The IB Learner Profile:
  • Inquirers. They develop their natural curiosity.
  • Knowledgeable.
  • Thinkers.
  • Communicators.
  • Principled.
  • Open-minded.
  • Caring.

What are the IB characteristics?

IB learners strive to become inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open- minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced and reflective. These attributes represent a broad range of human capacities and responsibilities that go beyond intellectual development and academic success.

What is the IB philosophy?

The International Baccalaureate® aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.

What do you need to know about attitudes in IB?

These are vital pieces in the development of positive attitudes toward people, the environment and learning. The IB-PYP Attitudes are meant to be an explicit part of our daily learning and school life and are to be modeled by both students and staff. Our students will reflect on these attitudes during learning experiences and assessments.

What do you mean by IB / PYP attitudes?

The IB/PYP Attitudes are an important focus in the development of positive attitudes towards people, the environment, and learning. These twelve colorful posters are visual reminders for students to reference daily. The Definition Lotto game can be used for individual or group learning.

What are the attitudes of the International Baccalaureate?

Home of the Jaguars Appreciation Valuing of the wonder and beauty of the Commitment Being committed to learning, perseveres Confidence Confident in their ability as learners, Cooperation Works in a group, collaborating and Creativity Creative and imaginative in thinking an

What are the characteristics of an IB Learner?

The IB program focuses on the Learner Profile which has 10 attributes: Principled, Inquirer, Open-Minded, Communicator, Reflection, Knowledge, Balanced, Risk-Taker, Thinker, and Caring. There are 12 attitudes that help the student build their Learner Profile: Appreciation, Commitment, Creativity, Confidence,…