
What does coherency mean?

What does coherency mean?

Definitions of coherency. the state of cohering or sticking together. synonyms: coherence, cohesion, cohesiveness. Antonyms: incoherence, incoherency. lack of cohesion or clarity or organization.

What is coherent mass?

cohering; sticking together:a coherent mass of sticky candies. having a natural or due agreement of parts; harmonious:a coherent design. Physics, Optics, Opticsof or pertaining to waves that maintain a fixed phase relationship, as in coherent light.

What does less coherent mean?

1 without; lacking. speechless. 2 not able to (do something) or not able to be (done, performed, etc.) countless. (Old English -las, from leas lacking)

What types of things are usually described as coherent?

Something coherent is logical and clear. “I told you if you didn’t do your homework you couldn’t watch TV. You didn’t do your homework so you can’t watch TV.” This is a coherent argument (and annoying as well).

What’s the difference between coherent and incoherent interfaces?

Lecture 21: Types of Interfaces: coherent, semi-coherent, and incoherent Today’s topics • Basics of the three types of interfaces: coherent, semi-coherent, and incoherent, and the major differences between them regarding the chemical and structural (strain) contribution to the surface energy: γ interface=γ ch+ γ st.

How is a coherent superposition similar to a coherent state?

Now, a coherent superposition is quite like a coherent state: a superposition is said to be coherent if there’s an observable that, if applied to one state, can turn it into another also present in the superposition.

How is the word coherent used in physics?

The word “coherent” is used in Physics in a rather sloppy way. Your first state is a linear combination of harmonic oscillator eigenvectors that turns into a gaussian in momentum/position representations.

What makes a coherent state in quantum mechanics?

Your first state is a linear combination of harmonic oscillator eigenvectors that turns into a gaussian in momentum/position representations. In a more general background, a coherent state is just a state where coherences (off-diagonal terms in the density matrix) are non-zero, which means the state can skipp from one stationary state to another.