
What are the solutions to the quadratic equation x2 16?

What are the solutions to the quadratic equation x2 16?

If we have the equation x2 = 16, what are the solutions to the equation? Since the square of a positive or negative number are always positive, this equation has two solutions, namely x = -4 or x = 4.

How many real number solutions does x2 16 0 have?

The number under the square root is negative, so there are no real solutions.

Is x2 16 a perfect square?

Algebra Examples Rewrite 16 as 42 . Since both terms are perfect squares, factor using the difference of squares formula, a2−b2=(a+b)(a−b) a 2 – b 2 = ( a + b ) ( a – b ) where a=x and b=4 .

How do you solve a quadratic equation in math?

Quadratic Equation Solver. We can help you solve an equation of the form “ax 2 + bx + c = 0”. Just enter the values of a, b and c below: Only if it can be put in the form ax 2 + bx + c = 0, and a is not zero. The name comes from “quad” meaning square, as the variable is squared (in other words x 2). These are all quadratic equations in disguise:

Which is a quadratic equation of the second degree?

The calculator below solves the quadratic equation of. ax 2 + bx + c = 0. . In algebra, a quadratic equation is any polynomial equation of the second degree with the following form: ax 2 + bx + c = 0. where x is an unknown, a is referred to as the quadratic coefficient, b the linear coefficient, and c the constant.

Is the equation ax2 + bx + c quadratic?

Values accurate to 12 places only, and 4 places in graph. Is it Quadratic? Only if it can be put in the form ax2 + bx + c = 0, and a is not zero. The name comes from “quad” meaning square, as the variable is squared (in other words x2 ).

Do you know the derivation of the quadratic formula?

Only the use of the quadratic formula, as well as the basics of completing the square will be discussed here (since the derivation of the formula involves completing the square). Below is the quadratic formula, as well as its derivation.