
What are the signs and symptoms of bacterial tracheitis?

What are the signs and symptoms of bacterial tracheitis?

What are the symptoms of bacterial tracheitis?

  • high fever.
  • deep severe cough.
  • difficulty breathing.
  • wheezing.
  • nasal flaring.
  • cyanosis, a blue tinge to their skin.

How can you tell the difference between bacterial tracheitis and croup?

In comparison to croup, bacterial tracheitis usually presents with a high fever and a systemically toxic-appearing child. The patient has a poor response to treatment with racemic epinephrine and steroids. The illness usually presents with a longer duration of symptoms than croup.

What does tracheitis feel like?

Symptoms of bacterial tracheitis may be intermediately between those of epiglottitis and croup. Presentation is either acute or subacute. In the classic presentation patients present acutely with fevers, toxic appearance, stridor, tachypnea, respiratory distress, and high WBC counts. Cough is frequent and not painful.

Is bacterial tracheitis croup?

Bacterial tracheitis, also known as bacterial croup, acute laryngotracheobronchitis, or membranous croup, is a potentially lethal infection of the subglottic trachea.

Can a bacterial tracheitis cause severe airway obstruction?

Tracheitis is a rare bacterial infection of the trachea (windpipe/ breathing tube). It usually follows a recent upper respiratory tract viral infection, such a common cold. Bacterial Tracheitis may cause severe airway obstruction that may result in a life-threatening situation.

What is a bacterial infection of the trachea?

(Definition/Background Information) Tracheitis is a rare bacterial infection of the trachea (windpipe/ breathing tube). It usually follows a recent upper respiratory tract viral infection, such a common cold. Bacterial Tracheitis may cause severe airway obstruction that may result in a life-threatening situation.

What are the symptoms of bacterial tracheitis in children?

Bacterial Tracheitis usually affects pre-school and early school-aged children. The classic signs and symptoms of Bacterial Tracheitis include deep cough, high-grade fever, stridor (high-pitched abnormal sound while breathing), and difficulty in breathing.

How is a tracheal culture used to diagnose tracheitis?

Tracheal culture: Tracheal secretions are taken and sent to the laboratory, where they are placed on a special dish to observe the growth of the bacteria Nasopharyngeal culture: Mucous secretions from the uppermost part of the throat are sent to the laboratory, to check for any bacterial growth