
Is there a list of evacuees?

Is there a list of evacuees?

The mass evacuation of children and other vulnerable people took place in early September 1939, before National Registration on 29 September that year. There are no lists or registers of evacuees available online.

What were evacuated called in ww2?

Operation Pied Piper
During the Second World War, many children living in big cities and towns were moved temporarily from their homes to places considered safer, usually out in the countryside. When did evacuations take place in Britain? The British evacuation began on Friday 1 September 1939. It was called ‘Operation Pied Piper’.

Who Organised evacuation ww2?

A committee led by Sir John Anderson was set up and met for three months from May 1938, consulting railway officials, teachers and the police. Local billeting officers were appointed to find suitable homes for evacuees and they set about interviewing possible hosts.

What was the most successful evacuation in ww2?

Dunkirk evacuation, (1940) in World War II, the evacuation of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) and other Allied troops from the French seaport of Dunkirk (Dunkerque) to England. Naval vessels and hundreds of civilian boats were used in the evacuation, which began on May 26.

What ages were evacuated ww2?

In the first three days of official evacuation, 1.5 million people were moved: 827,000 children of school age; 524,000 mothers and young children (under 5); 13,000 pregnant women; 70,000 disabled people and over 103,000 teachers and other ‘helpers’. Children were parted from their parents.

Was ww2 evacuation successful?

Up to 1.5 million people left by September – only 20% were “official” evacuees. From September 1944, the evacuation process was officially halted and reversed for most areas except for London and the east coast.

Was evacuation compulsory in ww2?

Evacuation day was inevitably a deeply emotional and, often, traumatic experience for all involved and full of uncertainty and tearful goodbyes. Yet, evacuation was not compulsory and some parents were understandably reluctant to take part, despite propaganda posters which encouraged co-operation.

Which country was most affected by World war 2?

With 3 million military deaths, the most affected country in our data was Germany.

How many died in WW2?

75 million people
31.8. 2: Casualties of World War II Some 75 million people died in World War II, including about 20 million military personnel and 40 million civilians, many of whom died because of deliberate genocide, massacres, mass-bombings, disease, and starvation.

What was the civilian evacuation during World War 2?

The civilian evacuation during World War Two was a remarkable event in the history of modern Britain. Interest in the subject has recently increased but there is enormous scope and need for further research both to broaden our understanding of the nature and impact of evacuation and to test entrenched views.

Where did child evacuees come from during World War 2?

Two days’ earlier, on 1 September, the government had initiated Operation Pied Piper, which would see the evacuation of over 1.5 million people from urban ‘target’ areas, of whom 800,000 were children. Contrary to popular memory, these evacuees did not just come from London or England, but from cities like Manchester, Birmingham and Glasgow too.

Who was evacuated to Devon in the Second World War?

CIVILIAN EVACUATION TO DEVON IN THE SECOND WORLD WAR Submitted by Susan Jane Hess, to the University of Exeter as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in History, July 2006. This thesis is available for Library use on the understanding that it

How many evacuees returned to their homes after World War 2?

By January 1940, around 900,000 evacuees had returned to target areas, despite government calls to ‘leave the children where they are’. Ministry of Health Poster © IWM (Art.