
Is it legal to install mobile tower in residential?

Is it legal to install mobile tower in residential?

Tower Placement The first point to remember is tower installation is NOT illegal in residential areas. Also it is important to note that if a tower must be installed in a residential area, it should only be on rooftops of buildings. Even then, the preference to install shall be at open spaces or public buildings.

How do I stop my mobile tower from installing in a residential area?

How to stop mobile tower installation?

  1. Write a request for stopping the mobile tower installation in your area and collect the signature of at least 50 people living on that premise.
  2. Submit the request at Sub District Magistrate or Joint Commissioner of your area and ask to stop the tower installation.

Is it safe to install mobile tower?

The World Health Organisation’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) says radiation from cellphone handsets and towers is “possibly carcinogenic to humans” and may cause glioma, a type of brain cancer. Towers are more dangerous than handsets because they emit greater-intensity radiation 24X7.

What are guidelines for installation of mobile towers?

As per the guidelines framed in 2006, rules and regulations have been framed for installing a tower. No tower should be installed within 100 meter radius of hospitals and educational institutes. But these are not followed as many towers are seen without taking care of the guidelines.

Can a mobile tower be installed near a school?

No towers will be installed within a radius of 100 meters from hospitals, residential buildings, and educational institutes. A structural safety certificate from a designated institute is important for installing a tower if the location is around a school building.

Can a mobile tower be built on vacant land?

In residential areas, mobile towers can come up only on vacant land and there needs to be at least 3 metres of buffer zone around the tower. In case there are no empty lands, towers should be shifted to rooftops and positioned at least three metres from the edge of the building.

When did the government start regulating mobile towers?

The government framed a policy in 2006 in which guidelines, rules and regulations were framed for installing a tower. Under the guidelines, mobile service providers have to take clearances from the government before installing a tower.