
How many merchant seamen lost their lives in ww2?

How many merchant seamen lost their lives in ww2?

29,000 merchant seamen
During the Second World War, 4,700 British-flagged ships were sunk and more than 29,000 merchant seamen died.

How do I find Merchant Marine records?

The public can access these records in two ways: through a request made via an offsite reference request (with reproduction provided for a fee), or via onsite viewing at the National Archives at St. Louis Research Room. The collection opened to the public on December 2, 2019.

How many merchant seamen died in the Battle of the Atlantic?

30,000 merchant seamen
Over 30,000 merchant seamen had died, as well as thousands of men from Allied navies and air forces. Many civilian passengers had also died. On the German side, of the 830 operational U-boats, at least 750 saw service in the Atlantic and in UK waters outside the North Sea. Of these, 510 (or 2 out of 3) were lost.

Did merchant seamen get war medals?

Nine types of medals were awarded to British merchant seamen who served in the Second World War and who met the qualifications for each medal. Also awarded, with no minimum service requirement, if service was terminated by death, disability due to service or capture as a prisoner-of-war.

What did merchant seamen do?

Merchant seamen crewed the ships of the British Merchant Navy which kept the United Kingdom supplied with raw materials, arms, ammunition, fuel, food and all of the necessities of a nation at war throughout World War II — literally enabling the country to defend itself.

What branch are the Merchant Marines?

The Merchant Marine primarily transports cargo and passengers during peacetime; in times of war, the Merchant Marine can be an auxiliary to the United States Navy, and can be called upon to deliver military personnel and materiel for the military.

What was a Merchant Marine in ww2?

Merchant mariners were the supply line that provided virtually everything Allied armies needed in order to survive and fight on foreign battlefields.

How many ships lost to Uboats?

In the course of events in the Atlantic alone, German U-boats sank almost 5,000 ships with nearly 13 million gross register tonnage, losing 178 boats and about 5,000 men in combat….Allied and Neutral Tonnage sunk by U-boats in World War I.

Month January
1915 47,981
1916 81,259
1917 368,521
1918 306,658

How many merchant seamen died in World War 2?

American shipyards built about 550 by the end of 1945. After the war, their greater speed made them more valuable as commercial freighters. During World War II, the seamen of the U.S. Merchant Marine suffered a higher casualty rate than any service branch. As many as 9,500 perished at sea, from their wounds, or in prisoner of war camps.

How many merchant marine ships were built during World War 2?

American shipyards built about 550 by the end of 1945. After the war, their greater speed made them more valuable as commercial freighters. During World War II, the seamen of the U.S. Merchant Marine suffered a higher casualty rate than any service branch.

Where can I find World War 2 Merchant Marine records?

Another two blocks in this collection, approximately 3,283 feet of records, will be accessioned at the National Archives at St. Louis in the coming months. The Coast Guard National Maritime Center (NMC) is the approving official for World War II Merchant Marine separation documents.

What was the name of the merchant ship that was sunk in World War 1?

BAYCRAIG, 3,761grt, defensively-armed, 1 January 1917, 84 miles ESE from Malta, torpedoed without warning and sunk by submarine, Master made prisoner IVERNIA, 14,278grt, defensively-armed, 1 January 1917, 58 miles S by E ½ E from Cape Matapan, torpedoed without warning and sunk by submarine, 36 lives lost