
How many children are in Nunavut?

How many children are in Nunavut?

But Nunavut’s higher total fertility rate of 2.75 means that the territory will not only replace its population, but its population will continue to grow. In 2019, 840 babies were born in Nunavut.

What is the average household income in Nunavut?

Median total family income in Nunavut from 2000 to 2018 (in Canadian dollars)

Characteristic Income in Canadian dollars
2018 76,900
2017 74,450
2016 70,840
2015 67,860

Does anyone live in Nunavut?

The total current population of Nunavut (as of 2011) is estimated to be around 33,330 people, the vast majority (84%) of whom are Inuit. Of the approximately 28,000 Inuit living in Nunavut, more than half of them reside in the eastern Qikiqtaaluk region of the territory and, remarkably, they are mostly young people.

What is the average salary for an Inuit resident in Nunavut?

The average annual salary for Nunavut Inuit, who continue to comprise half of the public service, was $86,478. For non-Inuit it was $106,997. Female employees, who comprise 65 per cent of the territorial government’s staff, earned an average of $94,841 while male employees were paid $98,634 per year, on average.

When did the Nunavut Health Report come out?

This report provides information from published sources up to 2014 on indicators of health status and the determinants of health for Nunavummiut.

How big is the population of Nunavut in Canada?

Thanks for contributing to The Canadian Encyclopedia. Nunavut, or “Our Land” in Inuktitut, encompasses over 2 million km2 and has a population of 35,944 residents (2016 census), approximately 85 per cent of whom are Inuit.

How are public health indicators used in Nunavut?

The findings from these indicators can be used to define public health problems, to monitor change over time in health status, to identify differences in the health of Nunavummiut in comparison to others and to assess the extent to which the long-term goals of a policy or program are being met.

Where can I find a regulation of Nunavut?

A copy of a regulation of Nunavut can be obtained from the Territorial Printer at the address below. The Nunavut Gazette and this consolidation are also available online at http://www.justice.gov.nu.ca/english/legislation.html but are not official statements of the law.