
How do you treat Nocardia?

How do you treat Nocardia?

People with nocardiosis may need to take multiple antibiotics given for several months—or even up to a year or more. Treatments are sometimes given for a long time to prevent symptoms from returning. Sometimes abscesses or wound infections need to be surgically drained.

Where is Nocardia Farcinica found?

Nocardiosis is a disease caused by a type of bacteria that is found in the environment, typically in standing water, decaying plants, and soil.

What antibiotics cover Nocardia?

Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole is the first-line treatment for Nocardia infections. In patients with a sulfa allergy, imipenem, ceftriaxone, or linezolid are options for first-line therapy.

What kind of infections can Nocardia farcinica cause?

The filamentous bacteria from the genuses Actinomyces (Actinomyces israelii) and Nocardia (mainly Nocardia asteroides but also Nocardia farcinica) may involve the kidneys, primarily in immunocompromised individuals. Microscopically, both organisms produce suppurative infections. In Actinomyces infections, necrosis may be present.

Who was the first person to diagnose Nocardia farcinica?

In 1888, Dr. Edmund Nocard isolated an aerobic actinomycete from cattle with bovine farcy (pyogenic pulmonary and subcutaneous infections), which was subsequently identified as Nocardia farcinica. Nocardia farcinica is a gram positive, partially acid fast, filamentous bacilli, and is considered an opportunistic pathogen.

Which is an infectious disease caused by Nocardia species?

Invasive Nocardia infections may be an important cause of death and infectious disease in immunocompromised solid organ transplant recipients ( 23 , 79 , 85 ). Severe infections with Nocardia species have also been reported to affect patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection ( 65 , 66 , 70 , 81 , 82 , 117 ).

What happens if Nocardiosis is left untreated?

In all cases, if the disease is left untreated, it can spread to other parts of the body, including the spinal cord and the brain. The brain is the most common site of disseminated infection. Up to 44% of all people with infection in the brain or spinal cord die.